posted ago by Mrexreturns ago by Mrexreturns +3 / -5

It can and will happen suddenly and easily.

A communist revolution in the US followed by mass deaths, civil war and population purges based on internet records, then the complete shattering of the old world order into the ultimate clown world a.k.a. the millennium kingdom where superstitions reign supreme and will kill trillions over four years.

And yet, people barely even discuss about it these days, and whenever it happens, do not expect to fight like rambo and win. You will simply roll over and die like an animal and there is nothing you can do about it. Whatever action you take, you WILL have to take it when there is something resembling a democratic government and a peacetime social system, as in during the decaying phase.

(Think of it as a "detect it early, deal with it early, recover quick" situation)

Yet people still think that the current social status quo will not end until a century later.

It can and will end brutally this year, and whenever it happens, it will be ugly.