There is a second secret civilization.
They view you as lowly filth.
Your advanced technology are children's toys compared to what they have.
Your economy is fake.
The resource scarcity is fake.
Your space exploration agency is fake.
Moore's law is fake.
Your scientific geniuses are fake.
Your news is fake.
Your religion is fake.
Your politicians are actors.
Your whole world is an engineered illusion.
In your gut you know it's true.
Their religion might be fake, but there is ancient precedent for these people in the prophetic Book of Mormon's Gadianton Robbers. In that book, translated by Joseph Smith, Jr., there were a class of people who, as a group, strategically stole by subterfuge from the population and maintained secrecy by blood oath amongst a brotherhood of death.
At points throughout the 1000 year history of the people of Nephi on this, the American continent, the Gadianton Robbers infiltrated alternately both the civilized tribe and the barbaric tribe. At times they were fought off and pursued to the hills where they sought hiding.
The author-historian named Mormon, in 400AD, compiled the history of his people and recorded in it, "And behold, in the end of this book ye shall see that this Gadianton did prove the overthrow, yea, almost the entire destruction of the people (nation) of Nephi."