First off, we should all be aware that this type of the technology has been floating around for at least six decades and who knows what they have now. The tech in question is described here:
RHIC – EDOM (Radio-Hypnotic Intra-Cerebral Control – Electronic Dissolution of Memory) (9/28/2016)
Now, make of these associations what you will, but you know how "They" just love to put Their little references into such acronyms, right? Does that one ring and bells? The first part is exactly the same as this:
Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider
The Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) is the first and one of only two operating heavy-ion colliders.... Located at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL)... it is the only operating particle collider in the US.
I don't think it's related, but I'll mention that BNL is 20 miles from Montauk. I do think it's related that BNL hosts an experiment named PHENIX.
What's more intriguing is this: do you know where the only other operating heavy-ion collider is? Yep, you got it! It's the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) operating at CERN near the Swiss/French border (actually spanning it).
The second part is not quite as direct, but it's strange to see it come up. Edom was an ancient kingdom south of the Dead Sea, and apparently the Israelites were told to lay a Nakba on it and wipe it off the map or some such thing.
But that was in Biblical times, and here in the 21st Century researcher Adam Green has concluded that a notion has developed among certain modern Judaics that Christianity--particularly American Christians--are to be identified as the modern "Edom". And, you know, get the same kind of treatment.
Adam can go overboard with some things (IMHO) but if you have any interest in such topics you should hear him out. You're guaranteed to hear some things that others never seem to mention:
Rabbis Prophesize The Destruction Of America Christianity ( Edom) Know More News W Adam Green
In any case, the world is so strange that you can't kick over an ordinary-looking mind control rock without finding something weird underneath, can you?
I've known 2 men that got targeted by ms13 shot callers via mind control. One of them had their house blown up and eventually died. One of them managed to turn to God and he claims that saved him. They were associated via family ties and would move work for money when times got tough after a layoff or something similar. Protect yourselves if you truly are putting a target on your back via research/outreach. Even if they can't get to you they will find a way to impact you through your loved ones. It's not the 70s anymore. They don't need to tie you down in a dungeon and bathe you in LSD to make you fight on their behalf.
This really gave me a laugh.
If you wanna know why, look up the film Rocket Gibraltar. I just read about it yesterday.
It's way, way too on point. Check out the cast, premise of the movie, budget, and box office take. All really bizarre.