WTF, this is some serious shit - a superbowl poster (not even a typical thing to have in a little kid's room) that takes place 6 years in the future, and on the day she gets sick (dying the next afternoon).
Anyone who thinks this is just a coincidence probably vaccinated, or at least mildly retarded. This is the kind of shit that makes you realize these fuckers have so much shit planned out at any given moment.
If you walked into your house and your wife had what looked like cum all over her face, and then you saw a guy sneaking down the path beside your house to a car parked around the corner, and your back door was wide open, you wouldn't have any proof of anything. Do you think that means nothing happened?
WTF, this is some serious shit - a superbowl poster (not even a typical thing to have in a little kid's room) that takes place 6 years in the future, and on the day she gets sick (dying the next afternoon).
Anyone who thinks this is just a coincidence probably vaccinated, or at least mildly retarded. This is the kind of shit that makes you realize these fuckers have so much shit planned out at any given moment.
If you walked into your house and your wife had what looked like cum all over her face, and then you saw a guy sneaking down the path beside your house to a car parked around the corner, and your back door was wide open, you wouldn't have any proof of anything. Do you think that means nothing happened?
If you don't think such a strange coincidence, esp in Hollywood, is on accident, there's nothing anyone can say to change your mind.