Try getting a home loan without a tax return. Try getting government assistance when you're down on your luck. Try even getting a good paying job. Much of our world is built around living within these boundaries. If you want to live like the Amish, have at it. But they're not going to let you into their system without having the same values they have. Rights exist, but so do consequences.
No argument there, it's just that some people actually believe they can follow that chart and still have a normal life. It will be anything other than a normal life. Where people go wrong is when they opt out of the game but then try to game the system. Getting back in is where the crap hits the fan, just ask the homeless street people
Try getting a home loan without a tax return. Try getting government assistance when you're down on your luck. Try even getting a good paying job. Much of our world is built around living within these boundaries. If you want to live like the Amish, have at it. But they're not going to let you into their system without having the same values they have. Rights exist, but so do consequences.
Never get a loan. They hurt more than they help.
No argument there, it's just that some people actually believe they can follow that chart and still have a normal life. It will be anything other than a normal life. Where people go wrong is when they opt out of the game but then try to game the system. Getting back in is where the crap hits the fan, just ask the homeless street people