posted ago by MindlessRationality ago by MindlessRationality +12 / -0

To fight TPTB, you will need a support group. The best way to have a support group and fight back is to replace their support systems that TPTB control and replace them with your own people.

Now the problem is that for 10-15 years TPTB have done everything in their power to silo, confine, isolate and exclude people from their own groups of support.

We have been plagued by identity politics, CRT, sexual manipulation and a constant barrage of demoralizing propaganda.

The goal is to erode our systems of culture and our past.

They realised that they could import a bunch of foreigners whom they had already manipulated and use them to attack the last free Bastion of hope....

Western Values.

The solution is simple. Start clubs. Private clubs, small groups, meetups, events, and make them western value focused.

Promote your own culture! Don't trust the parasites to do anything but devour it.....we must do what they do..... exclusive clubs for those who are European western value believers.....do not hire non believers......start doing what the foreigners do.....two lists.

Foreigner pricing....and local pricing....