Please provide your personal view on an ideal future set over the next 20-25 years.
If you could 'reasonably' have a future of your liking without ignoring the past which cannot be changed, and keeping in mind that you are god and cannot change things are will either. What would your ideal future look like?
Feel free to go further too, but first flesh out that 20-25 years.
This doesn't have to be too practical either, and as long as it is technically possible, feel free to include those ideas, but I am interested in hearing all your various views on an ideal future.
Preferably go into detail on any systems that change from today
I have concluded it's not possible even to formulate an educated guess. People fantasize and fear, but that's about it.
You see, I've come to realize that the Satanic agenda weights over the globe like a person wearing a full set of knight's armor, and underneath it a bodysuit made of those lead dentist's X-ray drapes. It's like asking, "How fast can this person run a mile with some training?"
Pressing the same analogy without all the extra weight, it's still difficult to tell. Younger people won't remember this being a live question, but it was doubted by many that a human being could ever run a four minute mile. Then someone finally did. The odd thing is that now talented high-school runners can do it.
Thats fair. Thats why I want to see idealized opinions. I want to try and remove the armour from people and just have a some stream of conciousness discussion on what could be.