a) SAFETY; noun - "freedom from danger". Being implies FREE (life) within DOM (inception towards death) aka FREE will of choice within DOM-inance of balance...which implies endangered species within continuum.
b) ELU'SIVE, adjective - "using arts to escape" aka shirking ones response-ability (free will of choice) by ignoring natural (perceivable) for artificial (suggested).
c) ESCA'PE, verb - "to pass without harm"...one (life) cannot pass (inception towards death) without harm. Others suggest escapism to tempt one to follow along instead of building resistance.
a) SAFETY; noun - "freedom from danger". Being implies FREE (life) within DOM (inception towards death) aka FREE will of choice within DOM-inance of balance...which implies endangered species within continuum.
b) ELU'SIVE, adjective - "using arts to escape" aka shirking ones response-ability (free will of choice) by ignoring natural (perceivable) for artificial (suggested).
c) ESCA'PE, verb - "to pass without harm"...one (life) cannot pass (inception towards death) without harm. Others suggest escapism to tempt one to follow along instead of building resistance.