How are muslims any different? Is this supposed to be a bad thing? This is one of those real head scratcher hum dingers for me. Why jewish people think they are better than muslims, and vice versa. When they literally worship the exact same thing.
I had a muslim girl in my class, which was weird because, I was in appalachia. Shes proably the only muslim girl Ive ever really known in my entire life. Beautiful, very smart. But wasnt allowed to do christmas things and she would do her prayers once in a while. They did their best to acclimate to the region. Her dad was a scientist at the a plant as well, if I remember correctly.
She often talked about doing her pilgrimage when she was old enough, and if im being honest, I envied her. To have that much devotion and belief in something. Im envious of all religious people.
They are not any different than us, neither are the jews. We all just have our own beliefs, thats life.
Im not gonna cast an entire people based on what a few of their leader do. Thats like listening to people bitch about how I must have voted for trump or be a white supremacist because im a big heterosexual male and I have honor in my heritage. Bah, my ancestors preached equality for everyone, and this is what happens in the end? This world can suck it.
How are muslims any different? Is this supposed to be a bad thing? This is one of those real head scratcher hum dingers for me. Why jewish people think they are better than muslims, and vice versa. When they literally worship the exact same thing.
I had a muslim girl in my class, which was weird because, I was in appalachia. Shes proably the only muslim girl Ive ever really known in my entire life. Beautiful, very smart. But wasnt allowed to do christmas things and she would do her prayers once in a while. They did their best to acclimate to the region. Her dad was a scientist at the a plant as well, if I remember correctly.
She often talked about doing her pilgrimage when she was old enough, and if im being honest, I envied her. To have that much devotion and belief in something. Im envious of all religious people.
They are not any different than us, neither are the jews. We all just have our own beliefs, thats life.
Im not gonna cast an entire people based on what a few of their leader do. Thats like listening to people bitch about how I must have voted for trump or be a white supremacist because im a big heterosexual male and I have honor in my heritage. Bah, my ancestors preached equality for everyone, and this is what happens in the end? This world can suck it.