posted ago by MindlessRationality ago by MindlessRationality +11 / -0

I realised that all the dei shit is the same thing as selling certification programs, life coaching, one page website, and life hacks. The people running that crap moved into DEI.

The same thing they have in common is that they all package up information that is freely available and sell it with hyperbolic marketing.

They 'rate' companies on different factors, then sell the ratings.....the 'rate' is just looking up their executive Leadership and then ethnographically mapping them to different categories......some probably also sell the certificate through a pay to play model, but it's really no different than selling life coaching. It's life coaching for business.....

Once people realise they will run from it like the life coaching which I think we are seeing now. Companies have been taken by hacks and now need to step back and try something new ...but they are embarrassed so the smarter ones who realised they were had are quietly trying to back peddle before the whole thing is discovered.

This isn't even something really profound or even a deep conspiracy. I think they actually are just half getting played by the newest scam. Companies always get scammed in new ways.

I originally thought it was more nefarious, but I am starting to think it is just a get rich quick scheme for larger scale operations.