Make sure you pay those student loans to the government so they can keep sending your money for other countries to have forever wars while you're at it.
Besides, if it wasnt for those "forever wars", you wouldnt have all those cute and fluffy shitskin "refugees" pouring into formerly peaceful neighborhoods, tearing them apart while you defend them, somehow convincing yourself that YOU are the good guy for it lmao
You like shitskin parasites, right buddy? Well its my job to fill your neighborhood up with em!
You can look. I have consistantly predicted. Southern border crisis equals Muslim refugee crisis. For YEARS.
And, I'm very happily divorced from a Muslim. You could never have possibly seen me defend their behavior. You clearly have no idea who you're fucking with.
Actually, I previously reported how bad the racism was. I was asked to report it so admin could see it. Clearly you're the one that didn't think this though.
Ok sure man whatever
Make sure you pay those student loans to the government so they can keep sending your money for other countries to have forever wars while you're at it.
Thats fine, I work in the defense industry, so I benefit pretty well from blowing up thrid worlders. Yeet
So you were mandated the faccine?
Besides, if it wasnt for those "forever wars", you wouldnt have all those cute and fluffy shitskin "refugees" pouring into formerly peaceful neighborhoods, tearing them apart while you defend them, somehow convincing yourself that YOU are the good guy for it lmao
You like shitskin parasites, right buddy? Well its my job to fill your neighborhood up with em!
You can look. I have consistantly predicted. Southern border crisis equals Muslim refugee crisis. For YEARS.
And, I'm very happily divorced from a Muslim. You could never have possibly seen me defend their behavior. You clearly have no idea who you're fucking with.
Actually, I previously reported how bad the racism was. I was asked to report it so admin could see it. Clearly you're the one that didn't think this though.