On the 8th and 9th of November, 1923, Adolf Hitler led the National Socialist movement in its first bid for power, an attempted coup organized in a beer hall. Though the forces of the state stopped the revolutionary march then, killing some and imprisoning many, the news buoyed the popularity of the National Socialist movement, spreading its message beyond Bavaria and into all of Germany.
The subsequent internment of Adolf Hitler led him to write Mein Kampf, which would become the greatest seller in interwar Germany.
Against all odds, the National Socialist movement was not extinguished, and in just a decade rose to be the dominant force in Germany. From a few men talking in a beer hall, to an organized State at war with the (((world,))) the 9th of November march represents the first concerted and explicit struggle for the White race and against international jewery.
Hitler lost the war because of his stupid egomaniac decisions, ruined Germany and died in a hole in the ground like a rat.
Pathetic loser.