Anahata (unstruck; unimpressed; unaffected)...invert it and one gets struck (life passed from inception towards death); impressed (being expression within impression) and affected (being reaction within action aka effect within cause).
Invert implies IN (being within) VERTO (turn aka moving in a circular course)...being (life) implies turned (growth) within straight (loss). Ones position implies centered turn within surrounding direction...being implies getting a turn of expression (growth) within impressing (loss).
A kike (circle) tempts one to turn again; hence following directions, while tumbling all over the place.
Anahata (unstruck; unimpressed; unaffected)...invert it and one gets struck (life passed from inception towards death); impressed (being expression within impression) and affected (being reaction within action aka effect within cause).
Invert implies IN (being within) VERTO (turn aka moving in a circular course)...being (life) implies turned (growth) within straight (loss). Ones position implies centered turn within surrounding direction...being implies getting a turn of expression (growth) within impressing (loss).
A kike (circle) tempts one to turn again; hence following directions, while tumbling all over the place.