c/Conspiracies is struggling to decide if their racism against arabs is stronger than their racism against jews.
4chan/pol has decided they are equally racist to both.
Anyway, I don't know what the hell happened at the hospital, but there are reports that the strike has the characteristics of standard American munitions (not a failed Hamas rocket)
Naturally the Arab does not look to infiltrate and subvert. The jew is a parasite who does for their own means. They will start wars to expand their holdings in the middle east and send the collateral packing to Europe.
4chan/pol has decided they are equally racist to both.
Anyway, I don't know what the hell happened at the hospital, but there are reports that the strike has the characteristics of standard American munitions (not a failed Hamas rocket)
Naturally the Arab does not look to infiltrate and subvert. The jew is a parasite who does for their own means. They will start wars to expand their holdings in the middle east and send the collateral packing to Europe.