No Palestinians have died. Look at their population. It only gained more rocket people.
You haven't posted deaths by Hamas in Gaza. I wonder what that figure is? They put their own people in. They tortured their own population for not doing rocket duty. They used human shileds constantly firing from schools and hospitals. They strapped suicide vests on children.
A sexual position where one partner inserts his penis into the ass of another partner, male or female, then spins himself clockwise using only his penis as a pivot.
DA FUQQ??? why do you know this shit and use this term you degen
can we get a link or archive?
EDIT: found it.,period%20while%205%2C600%20were%20injured.
OP is a japanese helicoptering faggot for not posting this
ask and ye shall receive, no apologies shall be given
No Palestinians have died. Look at their population. It only gained more rocket people.
You haven't posted deaths by Hamas in Gaza. I wonder what that figure is? They put their own people in. They tortured their own population for not doing rocket duty. They used human shileds constantly firing from schools and hospitals. They strapped suicide vests on children.
You baby raping cannibal sympathists.
DA FUQQ??? why do you know this shit and use this term you degen
I grew up in the 2000s, this one made the rounds on edgy internet humor. I'm pretty sure it's not actually possible.
now that I doubt, and no I do not want proof.