In brief, we can get numbers from the Red Cross, who compiled an enormous history of their activities during the war.
From them we get about 600k. About half were during the war while the Germans controlled the camps. Almost all of those were from diseases like typhus and scarlet fever. There were executions, but those were for crimes, not for being Jewish or a homo or something.
The other half came late in the war. The Allies purposely bombed civilian infrastructure, which included railroads that they knew were used to supply the camps. Breakdown and mass starvation followed.
After the war, Eisenhower, Churchill and De Gaulle collectively wrote many thousands of pages of their memoirs. None of them ever mentioned the Holocaust.
In brief, we can get numbers from the Red Cross, who compiled an enormous history of their activities during the war.
From them we get about 600k. About half were during the war while the Germans controlled the camps. Almost all of those were from diseases like typhus and scarlet fever. There were executions, but those were for crimes, not for being Jewish or a homo or something.
The other half came late in the war. The Allies purposely bombed civilian infrastructure, which included railroads that they knew were used to supply the camps. Breakdown and mass starvation followed.
After the war, Eisenhower, Churchill and De Gaulle collectively wrote many thousands of pages of their memoirs. None of them ever mentioned the Holocaust.