Why did they do it, though? Money? Gun control? I've heard more theories about it being a blown assassination attempt on some Saudi/UAE guy who was there, and either the shooting was cover or a way to diverge any potential story into a mass shooting. I don't know what happened that night, but I suspect a few people know and will take it to their graves.
Why did they do it, though? Money? Gun control? I've heard more theories about it being a blown assassination attempt on some Saudi/UAE guy who was there, and either the shooting was cover or a way to diverge any potential story into a mass shooting. I don't know what happened that night, but I suspect a few people know and will take it to their graves.
The rumor that I like: a false flag to justify taking down Alwaleed bin Talal.
That's what I've heard too, or similar too it. Maybe it's just me, but it sounds a little too "movie-like" for my taste if you know what I mean.