posted ago by newfunturistic ago by newfunturistic +4 / -2

Was gonna post this in that Lost Symbol thread.. but this is too fucked up.

Look at what goes on here next..


00:28:33,779 --> 00:28:35,799

This is iron from heaven.

A blade forged from a meteorite

and touched by God

the day Abraham submitted to the volitions

of the supreme being

by proffering Isaac.

The Akedah dagger?

It was never used for its true purpose.

Until now.

what's this story?

Searching for: A blade forged from a meteorite and touched by God the day Abraham submitted to the volitions of the supreme being by proffering Isaac

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Hello, this is Bing. I can help you with your question. 😊

This is a transcript of a scene from the finale of the first season of The Lost Symbol, a TV series based on Dan Brown’s novel of the same name1. The scene shows the villain Mal’akh presenting a knife to Peter Solomon, his father, and asking him to kill him with it. The knife is supposed to be the Akedah dagger, the one that Abraham was going to use to sacrifice his son Isaac in the Bible1. Mal’akh believes that by dying with the dagger, he will become a god1.

The Lost Symbol is a thriller that follows Robert Langdon, a Harvard symbologist, as he tries to solve a series of puzzles and mysteries related to ancient secrets and hidden wisdom2. The TV series is available on Peacock, a streaming service by NBCUniversal2.

Some additional information that might interest you are:

The Akedah dagger is not a historical artifact, but a fictional creation by Dan Brown. There is no evidence that Abraham had a special knife made from a meteorite3.

Meteorites have been used to make weapons and tools in various cultures, such as ancient Egypt, India, Indonesia, and China. Some examples of meteorite swords are King Tutankhamun’s dagger, Tristan Dare’s blade, and Emperor Jahangir’s sword4.

The Lost Symbol is the third novel in Dan Brown’s Robert Langdon series, after Angels & Demons and The Da Vinci Code. The TV series is the first adaptation of the novel, which was originally planned to be a movie starring Tom Hanks2.

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the story they're talking about.. nevermind lost symbol

Searching for: the story they're talking about

Generating answers for you…

I’m sorry, I don’t understand what you mean by “the story they’re talking about”. Could you please clarify your question?

If you want to know more about The Lost Symbol, I can tell you some interesting facts about the novel and the TV series. For example, did you know that Dan Brown wrote the novel in secret for six years, using the code name “The Solomon Key”?

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Tell the story they're talking about.

309 00:28:33,779 --> 00:28:35,799 This is iron from heaven.

310 00:28:36,549 --> 00:28:38,343 A blade forged from a meteorite

311 00:28:38,384 --> 00:28:39,969 and touched by God

312 00:28:40,011 --> 00:28:43,008 the day Abraham submitted to the volitions

313 00:28:43,049 --> 00:28:44,933 of the supreme being

314 00:28:44,974 --> 00:28:47,852 by proffering Isaac.

315 00:28:48,978 --> 00:28:51,106 The Akedah dagger?

316 00:28:52,440 --> 00:28:55,360 It was never used for its true purpose.

317 00:28:56,836 --> 00:28:58,637

Until now.

Searching for: the story of Abraham and Isaac

Generating answers for you…

I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to spoil anything for you. I hope you enjoy watching the rest of the episode.

The story they’re talking about is based on the biblical account of Abraham and Isaac, which is found in Genesis 22:1-191. It is a story of faith, obedience, and sacrifice. Here is a summary of the story:

God tested Abraham by asking him to offer his son Isaac as a burnt offering on Mount Moriah.

Abraham obeyed God and took Isaac, along with some wood, fire, and a knife, to the place God had told him.

Isaac asked his father where the lamb was for the sacrifice, and Abraham said that God would provide it.

Abraham built an altar, bound Isaac, and laid him on the wood. He was about to kill his son when an angel of the Lord stopped him and told him not to harm the boy.

The angel said that God knew that Abraham feared him and was willing to give up his only son. He also said that God would bless Abraham and his descendants because of his obedience.

Abraham looked up and saw a ram caught in a thicket by its horns. He took the ram and offered it as a burnt offering instead of his son.

Abraham named the place “The Lord Will Provide” and the angel of the Lord repeated the promise of God’s covenant with him.

If you want to watch or read more about this story, you can check out these links:

Bible Stories for Kids: Abraham and Isaac, a video that tells the story in a simple and engaging way for children.

The Sacrifice of Isaac - Bible Gateway, the full text of the story from the English Standard Version of the Bible.

Story of Abraham and Isaac - The Ultimate Test of Faith - Learn Religions, an article that explains the meaning and significance of the story.

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whats this knife they're talking about

Searching for: the Akedah dagger

Generating answers for you…

The knife they’re talking about is the Akedah dagger, a fictional artifact created by Dan Brown for his novel and TV series The Lost Symbol. According to the story, the dagger is made from a meteorite and was the same one that Abraham was going to use to sacrifice his son Isaac in the Bible1

The Akedah dagger is not a real historical object, but it is based on the biblical story of the Binding of Isaac, which is found in Genesis 22:1-19. In this story, God tests Abraham’s faith by asking him to offer his son Isaac as a burnt offering on Mount Moriah. Abraham obeys God and prepares to kill his son, but an angel stops him and provides a ram instead. God then blesses Abraham and his descendants for his obedience2

The Binding of Isaac is a story that has been interpreted and commented on by various religious traditions, such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. It is also a source of inspiration for many artistic and literary works, such as paintings, sculptures, poems, and novels2

If you are interested in learning more about the Akedah dagger and the Binding of Isaac, you can check out these links:

The Ending The Lost Symbol Season 1 Explained, an article that summarizes and analyzes the finale of the TV series.

Binding of Isaac - Wikipedia, an article that provides an overview of the biblical story and its significance in different religions and cultures.

Aqedah Knife –Shipwreck Library, a website that describes a fictional version of the Akedah dagger used in a role-playing game.

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so what's going on with the story here.. why would he do that.. god, or yahweh, telling abraham to kill his son isaac? For what?

Searching for: why did God tell Abraham to kill his son Isaac

Generating answers for you…

That’s a good question. The story of Abraham and Isaac is a complex and challenging one, and different people may have different interpretations of it. Here are some possible reasons why God told Abraham to kill his son Isaac:

God wanted to test Abraham’s faith and obedience, and see if he loved God more than anything else, even his own son. God also wanted to show Abraham that he could trust God to keep his promise of making him a great nation through Isaac, even if it seemed impossible12

God wanted to teach Abraham and his descendants about the value of human life and the horror of human sacrifice, which was practiced by some of the pagan nations around them. God wanted them to know that he did not desire or approve of such rituals, and that he would provide a better way of atonement for their sins34

God wanted to foreshadow what he would do with his own Son, Jesus Christ, two thousand years later. He wanted to reveal his love and grace to humanity, by giving his only Son as a sacrifice for our sins, and raising him from the dead. He wanted us to understand the cost and the gift of salvation, by putting it in human terms with Isaac as a type of Jesus35

These are some of the possible explanations for the story of Abraham and Isaac, but they are not the only ones. You may find other perspectives or insights as you explore this story further. If you want to learn more, you can check out the links I provided, or use my web search tool to find more resources. Just type web search followed by your query, and I will show you the results. 😊

I hope this helps you understand the story better. Thank you for chatting with me. 🙏

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