posted ago by LeoLittlebook ago by LeoLittlebook +13 / -0

Table of Contents

  1. Feminism causes promiscuity
  2. All Leftism has one root
  3. IQ causes income inequality
  4. Escaping matriarchy
  5. Plague and War
  6. Great Depression 2

Feminism causes promiscuity

The New Zealand average partner count is 13. Compare to Australia, where the partner count is also 13.

Which country has the most sluts? Durex global survey of 26 countries: New Zealand | TheRedPill

What lessons can we learn from this? Does an absence of winter turn White women promiscuous?

No, it's not winter. Icelandic girls have the same average: 13. In the USA, it is 10.5.

Compare to Filipina Catholic girls, who live in the same climate but are on average traditional and conservative:

A survey by Time magazine in 2001 asked Filipino if premarital sex is okay: 56 percent of males and 39 percent of females said yes. When asked how many sexual partners they had had: 28 percent of males and 76 percent of females said one; 47 percent of males and 23 percent of females said two to four; 17 percent of males and 2 percent of females said five to 12; and 8 percent of males and 0 percent of females said more than 13.

Facts and Details | Philippines

Let's assume that both men and women lie, and male homosexuals inflate the partner count somewhat. Take the average of the two to get the estimated real female partner count:

((.28 + .76)*1 + (.47+.23)*3 + (.17 + .02) * 8.5 + .08*13)/2 = 2.9

(Add the percentages for each category, multiply by the category's mean partner count, and sum the results, then divide by two to get a single gender average.)

So about 3. Presumably they've gotten more promiscuous in the last 20 years of Weimerican Globohomo, but Duterte demonstrates their conservative values still run deep.

Hong Kong is in the same climate as the Philippines. The average sex partner count in Hong Kong is 3.7, quite similar to the Filipino average. Hong Kong is just one giant city. So it is not wealth or winter or IQ or population density that makes women sluts!

Is it just that Northeast Asian countries are less promiscuous? No. Japan's average partner count is 10. This is because the USA conquered it and installed feminist laws.

Feminist secretly wrote part of Japan's constitution | The Sydney Morning Herald

The conclusion is that institutionalized feminism such as women's suffrage causes promiscuity.

All Leftism has one root

Economic and gender Communism are not fundamentally different. They are both expressions of bonobo sociobiology. I call it all "bonobophilia", because pedophilia is always a feature of matriarchy. Male sodomites are attracted to juvenile features, and are good at manipulating women, unless they are stopped by patriarchs.

Obama wrote a poem about being molested by his grandfather, and Biden openly fondles women and children in the same way on camera, using his status for public sexual gratification. Women's lib means rule by sly pedophiles. Human bonobophilia evolved synergistically with anal parasites and STDs, and propagates via molestation and anal fixation. This is similar to how rabies propagates via biting.

[PIC: Rabid fox]

Chimps are humanity's closest ancestor, but bonobos are their nearly-indistinguishable matriarchal neighbors. The cycle of history swings between chimp patriarchy (hard times create strong men; strong men create good times) and bonobo matriarchy (good times create soft men; soft men create hard times).

IQ causes income inequality

So global feminism is America's fault. But is global income inequality?

No. Filipino average IQ is 82. Therefore Philippines is much poorer than New Zealand, which has an industrialized 1st world economy. In countries with a market economy, IQ predicts per capita GDP. (Obviously North Korean high IQ can't overcome Communism's ability to ruin everything.)

The American Left's narrative on race and gender falls apart completely in the face of the realities of East Asia. The Left's narrative evolved to explain the Black-White, and falls into sputtering incoherence when presented with the Asian enigma.

Filipinos have strong traditional values and are pro-American, grateful for the USA's intervention in WW2. Yet the contrast with another colonized island of Asians, Hong Kong, could not be starker. Hong Kong is a tier-1 global city; the Philippines is 3rd world. Filipinas in Hong Kong tend to be either maids or hookers. You see them lining the streets on holidays, picnicking, and standing in front of bars in Wanchai, luring sailors.

This is purely a consequence of IQ disparity. The average IQ of Han Chinese is similar to that of other Northeast Asians: Japanese, Koreans, Taiwanese. They're all around 105 IQ, tilted nonverbal, because they are one subrace. That is why all Northeast Asian high-IQ countries explode to 1st world per capita GDP once they embrace the market economy.

Meanwhile 90-IQ and below Southeast Asian countries perform at South American levels. The average IQ of Filipinos is 82. The average IQ of sub-Saharan Africans is about 68. No amount of government spending will ever fix this – making it the perfect program from the bureaucrat's perspective.

Escaping matriarchy

The question is, how to prevent your wife and daughter from going bonobo?

Humans are great apes. Female great apes are less individualistic than men, and their social environment influences them heavily. They seek to conform to it and gain status within it so that it will support them during pregnancy and child-rearing.

It is difficult to find a child-safe social milieu in the USA. Conservative redoubts in Red States are popular destinations, but federally institutionalized feminism reaches almost everywhere.

We are at peak clown world, and the feminists have grown intolerable. One thing they cannot tolerate is the cold. The average US gender ratio was 97 males per 100 females in 2021; it is 110:100 in Alaska. That's one way to escape gynocracy.

A commenter describes Alaskan masculinity, disagreeing with this OP: "What's wrong with the Seattle dating scene" - one woman's journey from rugged Alaska to the sensitive feminist utopia of Seattle | r/TheRedPill


Your commentary couldn't be more wrong. This particular woman doesn't want it all, she just wants a man with masculine traits that have the balls to approach her confidently. If you have a problem doing that, you haven't swallowed the pill.

Coming from Alaska, she was used to that. You probably aren't going to find more masculine men in America than the ones living in the frontier in Alaska. Some of these guys literally hunt for all their food. It was probably shocking for her to be around such pussified men in Seattle.

TL;DR: She's literally telling you what she wants. It's called masculinity. Grow some fucking balls and approach these bitches.

Plague and War

It is very important that one's wife and children accept that IQ, not White patriarchy, is the cause of disparate industrial wealth. Otherwise they will regard their patriarch with contempt.

Ideally, one could simply take one's family on vacation to PH and HK to show them that the Left's narrative on race and gender is false. However, with WW3 looming, now is the time to head to the hills, not travel the world. Even Alaska might be vulnerable to supply chain disruptions.

The vaxxed are incubating COVID19 variants, and it's only a matter of time before a nasty new variant evolves that capitalizes on VAIDS to spark a new wave of draconian lockdowns, stranding hapless travelers.

Serotype evolution: How Dengue became so deadly | Rintrah

However, there are also advantages to being stuck indoors. It is a great time to use the Internet to redpill others. YouTube Shorts has lots of palatable redpill videos, to broach the topic. It also has plenty of video evidence corroborating the cultural traits I've mentioned.

Great Depression 2

Soon, a global depression (the big crash) will restore hard times, and female virtue will follow. This is the natural cycle.

God cursed humanity in the Garden of Eden, the man to work and the woman to submit.

Feminism teaches women to rebel against the patriarchy and go to work instead of making a home for the children.

What feminism forgets is that if woman does not submit, neither does man work. Then snakes walking on two legs whisper the knowledge of good and evil into matriarchal ears, and God in his wrath banishes humanity from the land of plenty once again.

In that day, ye shall surely die, saith the Lord.

Bonobos have no patriarchy, and no territory. They forever wander, depleting the resources and then moving on.

Bonobo Communism, Chimp Fascism or Orangutan Libertarianism? | Littlebook

It's important to remember that promiscuity and fecundity are a part of Nature. Rapid breeding to exploit a resource glut is a timeless evolutionary strategy. Anger will not make it go away. It is ready to scoff at aggression and subvert authority. Instead, apply your intelligence to alter the way the target audience perceives her environment.

As for where to go for Great Depression 2.0, pick one of the US states with the lowest promiscuity. It's the metric that captures what really counts: whether the region has a stable future.

The Average Number of Sexual Partners Across America | Bespoke Surgical

Colorado, Arizona and Indiana are solid choices.