The original Oculus Rift came with a warning in the manual explicitly stating that they should not be granted to children younger than 12(14?) years old as there may be long lasting consequences during those formative years where they are still calibrating to reality itself
The original Oculus Rift came with a warning in the manual explicitly stating that they should not be granted to children younger than 12(14?) years old as there may be long lasting consequences during those formative years where they are still calibrating to reality itself
That's why I really enjoy this dudes content lol. When they get mad at him he just reminds them they're literally too young to be allowed on the game.
Ma'am, your chicken is burning.
Fuck, this is some dystopian shit :/
Marvel hero theme music triggers as Zuck strolls down the aisle with Smile slider at 100
That's fkn SICK! I wish I could play VR games all day in school when I was kid!!