So 50 trees fell on 50 powerlines simultaneously and started all the fires! Gee whillikers, that's highly probable. Do you write movies with M. Night Shymaladingdong?
I did not say space lasers. I said there is a government DEW facility on a mountaintop 30 miles away provably in direct line of sight of Laihana.
Do you feds ever go out for coffee? I know a nice coffee shop in DC.
So 50 trees fell on 50 powerlines simultaneously and started all the fires! Gee whillikers, that's highly probable. Do you write movies with M. Night Shymaladingdong?
I did not say space lasers. I said there is a government DEW facility on a mountaintop 30 miles away provably in direct line of sight of Laihana.
Do you feds ever go out for coffee? I know a nice coffee shop in DC.