posted ago by defenderOfMontrocity ago by defenderOfMontrocity +14 / -0

Don't be fooled by republicans or democrats.

Republicans like Ron desantis are distracting you.

Can you ban biological parents from taking their children to drag queen shows? Well, maybe or maybe not. If Ron gets sued he may lose. However this is a distraction from what Ron and all republicans can do if they wanted to.

Child protective services, if you talk about them too much you might get banned on reddit.

All republicans can just audit CPS. Despite what both parties are telling you adoptive parents don't have all the rights like bio parents. Republicans can pass a law that stops adoptive parents to take children anywhere near a rainbow flag if republicans really want to.

Republicans just gonna use buzzwords to divide and conquer, why? Because catholic church also have lots of adoption and deep down republicans can't really start a precedent to audit adoption services.

Abolish the federal reserve audit CPS

Nancy Schaefer had the idea but her husband totally whacked themselves. Definitely not the CIA.