If you are truly so miserable, it is time for a major life change. Try moving to another country and learning a new language.
Becoming rich and powerful is meaningless. All power is held at the top anyway, so you have severe limits on what you can do.
Try volunteering at a soup kitchen or shelter. It sounds like you are pretty lonely and need to make some friends. The best kind of people you can make friends with are found in places of selfless service.
Good advise. Paradoxically, volunteering and helping others actually makes the human mind and body happy and fulfilled.
Plus, you can see others less fortunate. And you interact with humans.
OP is sad because women don't want him and he won't have a family. But that happen a lot in history. You can literally find happiness by helping others. This is a a forgotten wisdom..
Plus you can network and maybe attain some status.
If you are truly so miserable, it is time for a major life change. Try moving to another country and learning a new language.
Becoming rich and powerful is meaningless. All power is held at the top anyway, so you have severe limits on what you can do.
Try volunteering at a soup kitchen or shelter. It sounds like you are pretty lonely and need to make some friends. The best kind of people you can make friends with are found in places of selfless service.
Good advise. Paradoxically, volunteering and helping others actually makes the human mind and body happy and fulfilled.
Plus, you can see others less fortunate. And you interact with humans.
OP is sad because women don't want him and he won't have a family. But that happen a lot in history. You can literally find happiness by helping others. This is a a forgotten wisdom..
Plus you can network and maybe attain some status.