This 'whistleblower' is spouting what seems like bullshit. The Ice Cube array is designed to detect light flashes that happen occasionally when neutrinos interact with matter. The sensors are incoming only photodetectors. They are NOT outgoing energy emitters as you would have in a DEW.
There are other things wrong with what the plumber says, but basically this guy is full of it. Also it makes no sense to put a DEW in the cold at the pole. A DEW powerful enough to cause earthquakes would require a power source roughly like a nuclear power plant, and you just don't construct big ones in the ice and snow at the pole because their heat signature would be a dead giveaway.
This is a poseur.
The guy says 'the array elements transmit at 2047 volts each' which is a nonsense technojargon statement he claims he found in an operator's manual. I say it's bullshit with no connection to any real technology. That's because if you make RF emitters, you speak of the power level they produce, which can be in watts. No one in RF engineering talks of 'transmitting at 2047 volts'. He is a plumber and not an electrical engineer, and in making this up he is way out of his depth.
Then he starts talking about detecting neutrinos from UFOs and that is where it gets really obvious he is bullshitting. Electrogravitics - the main speculated propulsion technology - does not create radioactivity such as would emit neutrinos as a byproduct. (However, the nuclear reactors in our nuclear subs actually do emit small amounts of neutrinos, but that is a whole different technology.)
If I had to hazard a guess, I think the Ice Cube team pulled a con job on this guy and fed him a line which he believed like a rube.
This 'whistleblower' is spouting what seems like bullshit. The Ice Cube array is designed to detect light flashes that happen occasionally when neutrinos interact with matter. The sensors are incoming only photodetectors. They are NOT outgoing energy emitters as you would have in a DEW.
There are other things wrong with what the plumber says, but basically this guy is full of it. Also it makes no sense to put a DEW in the cold at the pole. A DEW powerful enough to cause earthquakes would require a power source roughly like a nuclear power plant, and you just don't construct big ones in the ice and snow at the pole because their heat signature would be a dead giveaway.
This is a poseur.
The guy says 'the array elements transmit at 2047 volts each' which is a nonsense technojargon statement he claims he found in an operator's manual. I say it's bullshit with no connection to any real technology. That's because if you make RF emitters, you speak of the power level they produce, which can be in watts. No one in RF engineering talks of 'transmitting at 2047 volts'. He is a plumber and not an electrical engineer, and in making this up he is way out of his depth.
Then he starts talking about detecting neutrinos from UFOs and that is where it gets really obvious he is bullshitting. Electrogravitics - the main speculated propulsion technology - does not create radioactivity such as would emit neutrinos as a byproduct. (However, the nuclear reactors in our nuclear subs actually do emit small amounts of neutrinos, but that is a whole different technology.)
If I had to hazard a guess, I think the Ice Cube team pulled a con job on this guy and fed him a line which he believed like a rube.
Paid actors.