posted ago by newfunturistic ago by newfunturistic +3 / -1

We know they got a hard on for this 33 with the freemasons.. so no matter what's going on.. you know this dude was like age 33 when they suffed him out. lol.

I think he woulda been 34 if he'd have kept living till Dec 25, right. We got this spring shit.. and he was age 33 in like April.

So what year was this, that they took him out, right.

Think of like the fucking 1933.. federal reserve act, while everybody was on xmas, right.

I guess it was april 0033. lol. They snuffed him out.

Now.. let's go with his high school class stuff. What all star team was this guy.

Waves in time that are compatible with decades.

I'm a born in 71.. back in high school.. year older or younger.. even number high school classes. Losers, man.. like bad.

But you've got these waves in time of whole decades.. so check high school birth year classes of like born in 81.. super power-house winner year, ok. And then 61. Or.. like 51. ok. I know this. But if you go to like 82 or fuckin 80.. loser years, even though you got Kim.

Now.. this fucking Jesus dude.. he's like a born Dec 25, 1999 but subtract 2000 ok. They just went.. let's round this shit up to like Jan1st.. but no.. he's high school birth year class of exactly like 1999 or.. waves in time like 1989.

Best bet to compare his high school class with is 89. Taylor Swift's class. lol.

I always thought he was like an even number birth year, eh.. but no.. if you do the math.. with the year 0.. no, ok. If you do research too.. these paradigm shifters.. you don't get those with even number birth years, ok. Those guys settle for the deal.

This class of 89 are losers though, eh.. lol. Let's see what we got for 88 or 90. lol. worse, I bet. Man, that 88 is pretty bad. Yeah.. no.. those are fuckin losers, man, ok.. that's like my high school class a year older or younger, ok. Those even number high school class birth years, are fuckin losers. Aloof, ok. They're bad at sports. lol. 1990 is better though.. new decade, eh.. less losers. It's still just not paradigm game shifters. Those who would get written about in the future's history books. 1990 is still even number high school class birth year, ok. Something odd about those whole decade shifts. Like 1980, lotsa odd bad shit going on, ok. This born in 1990 is a loser class though, ok. But they do make lots of money. They don't change the rules though.

Anyways.. your Jesus dude was just before a 1990 type waves in time scenario type character.