I do believe that the current vaccines are dangerous and to what extent I'm not entirely sure. There is tons of data out there that shows that it is dangerous, but is the information reliable?
I do believe that we now have about half of our population with changed DNA via the covid vaccines. Here's what the article linked below says about the leaky vaccines.
"“These vaccines also allow the virulent virus to continue evolving precisely because they allow the vaccinated individuals, and therefore themselves, to survive,” said Venugopal Nair, who led the research team. He is the head of the Avian Viral Diseases program at The Pirbright Institute.
These less-than-perfect vaccines create a “leaky” barrier against the virus. Vaccinated individuals may get sick but have less severe symptoms, but the virus survives long enough to transmit to others, which allows it to survive and spread throughout a population.
“Our research demonstrates that the use of leaky vaccines can promote the evolution of nastier ‘hot’ viral strains that put unvaccinated individuals at greater risk,” Nair said.
Marek’s disease used to be a minor ailment that did little harm to chickens in the 1950s, but the virus has grown stronger and today is capable of killing all the unvaccinated birds in poultry flocks, sometimes within 10 days.
But since nearly every chicken in agricultural production throughout the world is vaccinated, Marek’s is a relatively minor problem today."
I am currently unvaccinated, I am the unvaccinated chicken.
I think we need to keep speaking out, they are going to release a dangerous virus.
You trust old man biden to remember his own birthday? Let alone the year that there will be mass death? Cut the man some slack, looks like he has barely any mental capacity left. Proably gave the plan away early on accident.
Also, after my brush with omicron(was my 2nd or 3rd time getting covid, cant remember), and finding the link between depleted phosphorous and breathing problems and organ failure.
Im not convinced a huge majority of neurological issues and organ failure are covid 19. I believe most of it is simply depleted phosphorous. And whats the standard protocol for covid 19?
Shove a ventilator down their throat, making the muscle weakness from the low phosphorous to weaken the diaphragm because its no longer working on its own.
Give you remsdivir, or molnuprir which is going to finish off your kidneys if you have low kidney function, and if you have depleted phosphorous, you have broken kidney function.
Then doctors and nurses act surprised when they have kidney/liver failure and then die when pulled off the vent.
Its fucking absolutely holocaust level shit happening and most people are just fucking oblivious.