As much as we should all immediately blame things on Jews, don't these charges seem the least bit suspicious. You mean that someone gets raped and waits 30-50 years to talk about it, not just one but multiple people?
Money grab, pure and simple. Not saying Ron Jeremy is a good guy, but I doubt he raped anyone.
The guy has been fondling and molesting women for decades and gets away with it because he knows no boundaries and is a porn star dating back to the 70s. He is a groper and assumes every woman wants to be touched by him.
He's an obnoxious jew.
The charges and allegations came out around the time of the #MeToo movement and Ron Jeremy was one of many Jews who were named along with Weinstein and many others.
I do believe that he got away with it for decades. To this day you are not allowed to accuse or criticize a jew for anything without being called anti-Semitic or canceled.
Even dating back to the show The Surreal Life which aired on VH1 back in 2004, Ron Jeremy was groping and crossing the line with other women on the show. Plus there's all kinds of creep stories about this guy because he was quite the socialite. The truth is he's groped and molested far more than twenty women.
It is indeed suspicious when Gloria Allred gets involved. I think she represented two of his victims. She is indeed a money grabbing lawyer who represents fraudulent accusers before. So your suspicion is fair in that regard.
Unlike silly allegations such as Christine Blasey Ford who cannot recall a specific place it happened or a time and can't bring forth any other witnesses, many of these accusers remember the specific place, the specific time, and have other witnesses to back up their stories.
12 counts of rape so many years later is very hard to believe. Unless they use some expansive definition of rape. I remember when words for crimes had one meaning. Now they blur everything into one umbrella term so you don't know precisely what even happened.
Like that statistic "1 out of 5 women has been sexually assaulted at college". Which people then think means rape, when sexual assault can include ANY unwanted touching. It's just a bs term at this point, when it really shouldn't be.
This guy is charged with more than unwanted touching and it is enablers and excuse makers like you that he was always allowed to get away with it. This Jew predator should have been buried three decades ago. Christians allowed jews to bring their porn in and now how many white girls have been raped and molested by these hollywood jew perverts?
You don't turn to God. You turn to jews.
Stop worshiping the jew God who chose the lying jew. We have a white Viking God who loves white people.
As much as we should all immediately blame things on Jews, don't these charges seem the least bit suspicious. You mean that someone gets raped and waits 30-50 years to talk about it, not just one but multiple people?
Money grab, pure and simple. Not saying Ron Jeremy is a good guy, but I doubt he raped anyone.
The guy has been fondling and molesting women for decades and gets away with it because he knows no boundaries and is a porn star dating back to the 70s. He is a groper and assumes every woman wants to be touched by him.
He's an obnoxious jew.
The charges and allegations came out around the time of the #MeToo movement and Ron Jeremy was one of many Jews who were named along with Weinstein and many others.
I do believe that he got away with it for decades. To this day you are not allowed to accuse or criticize a jew for anything without being called anti-Semitic or canceled.
Even dating back to the show The Surreal Life which aired on VH1 back in 2004, Ron Jeremy was groping and crossing the line with other women on the show. Plus there's all kinds of creep stories about this guy because he was quite the socialite. The truth is he's groped and molested far more than twenty women.
It is indeed suspicious when Gloria Allred gets involved. I think she represented two of his victims. She is indeed a money grabbing lawyer who represents fraudulent accusers before. So your suspicion is fair in that regard.
Unlike silly allegations such as Christine Blasey Ford who cannot recall a specific place it happened or a time and can't bring forth any other witnesses, many of these accusers remember the specific place, the specific time, and have other witnesses to back up their stories.
12 counts of rape so many years later is very hard to believe. Unless they use some expansive definition of rape. I remember when words for crimes had one meaning. Now they blur everything into one umbrella term so you don't know precisely what even happened.
Like that statistic "1 out of 5 women has been sexually assaulted at college". Which people then think means rape, when sexual assault can include ANY unwanted touching. It's just a bs term at this point, when it really shouldn't be.
This guy is charged with more than unwanted touching and it is enablers and excuse makers like you that he was always allowed to get away with it. This Jew predator should have been buried three decades ago. Christians allowed jews to bring their porn in and now how many white girls have been raped and molested by these hollywood jew perverts?
You don't turn to God. You turn to jews.
Stop worshiping the jew God who chose the lying jew. We have a white Viking God who loves white people.
Nonsense, there were no charges back then so people who are skeptical of 30+ year old claims couldn't have stopped the prosecution.
Your bias doesn't let you see clear logic. You're a one dimensional thinker Vlad.