Old and New Testaments are not separate works. It is one continuous work...
a) others suggest old vs new to tempt one to TEST'AMENT, noun (Latin testor, to make a will) aka to choose between suggested sides; instead of being free will of choice at center (perception) of surrounding (perceivable).
b) WORK (Greek energy; internal/inherent power) + CONTINUOUS (motion) generates momentum (balance) for ones free will of choice.
c) work (energy) separates whole (inception towards death) into partials (life) aka ongoing velocity (loss) into temporary resistance (growth).
d) "are not" represents suggested nihilism (out of nothing)...the inversion of being (partial) within everything (whole).
Outside implies wholeness; inside implies apartheid...others tempt one with suggested INTER (internal) CONNECT (fasten together) to ignore being ONEself aka a UNIT (Latin unus; one) designated through internal/inherent separation of whole into each partial.
Suggested "together" aka towards getting tempts one to ignore that being alive implies being moved from inception towards dying, hence being growth (life) within loss (inception towards death)...together represents the inversion of apart.
if you understand...
...then you willingly consent to "stand-under" the suggestions of others, instead of growing self within perceivable.
everything you need to know to be
KNOWL'EDGE, noun - "perception of that which exists"...being implies within (choice) the known ledge (balance). Others suggest INTEL'LIGENCE, noun (Latin intelligo, to understand) to tempt ones choice to stand-under the choices of others.
Others suggest SANCTUS; SACRED (to make whole) as the inversion of being partial (temporary) within whole (ongoing). Being implies partial; otherwise being couldn't perceive moving differences (inspiration) within whole.
Suggested creationism (implies out of nothing) tempts one to ignore perceivable transmutation (within everything) aka
flow to form (inception); form within flow (life) and form to flow (death)
whole to partial; partial within whole and partial to whole
ongoing to temporary; temporary within ongoing; temporary to ongoing
all to one; one within all; one to all
base to ingredient; ingredient within base; ingredient to base
loss to growth; growth within loss; growth to loss
velocity to resistance; resistance within velocity; resistance to velocity
motion (male) to momentum (female) to trans-form (off-spring).
a) others suggest old vs new to tempt one to TEST'AMENT, noun (Latin testor, to make a will) aka to choose between suggested sides; instead of being free will of choice at center (perception) of surrounding (perceivable).
b) WORK (Greek energy; internal/inherent power) + CONTINUOUS (motion) generates momentum (balance) for ones free will of choice.
c) work (energy) separates whole (inception towards death) into partials (life) aka ongoing velocity (loss) into temporary resistance (growth).
d) "are not" represents suggested nihilism (out of nothing)...the inversion of being (partial) within everything (whole).
Outside implies wholeness; inside implies apartheid...others tempt one with suggested INTER (internal) CONNECT (fasten together) to ignore being ONEself aka a UNIT (Latin unus; one) designated through internal/inherent separation of whole into each partial.
Suggested "together" aka towards getting tempts one to ignore that being alive implies being moved from inception towards dying, hence being growth (life) within loss (inception towards death)...together represents the inversion of apart.
...then you willingly consent to "stand-under" the suggestions of others, instead of growing self within perceivable.
KNOWL'EDGE, noun - "perception of that which exists"...being implies within (choice) the known ledge (balance). Others suggest INTEL'LIGENCE, noun (Latin intelligo, to understand) to tempt ones choice to stand-under the choices of others.
Others suggest SANCTUS; SACRED (to make whole) as the inversion of being partial (temporary) within whole (ongoing). Being implies partial; otherwise being couldn't perceive moving differences (inspiration) within whole.
Suggested creationism (implies out of nothing) tempts one to ignore perceivable transmutation (within everything) aka
In short...alchemy.