I'm looking for more resources/stories on Hollywood's Satanic Practices / Allegations / Debauchery / Selling Souls. Stories in the vein of Isaac Kappy's claims.
If these practices are taking place (which I believe they are) there should be considerable amount of whistle-blowers or anonymous sources etc. What have you got?
Kabbalah, Judaism,
I think most of them unknowingly partake in it. For example the half time shows and performances are satanic rituals but the dancers and lip syncers and stage workers might not know what they are partaking in.
These people are not always cognitively satanic. They are rather under a sort of spell. A bit glazed over in the eyes if you know what i mean.
Why are Christian Literalists so braindead?
I'm not sure what you mean?
I’m not surprised.
Which point did i make in particular that you disagree with?
I am not a Christian literalist. At least i do not consider myself one.
I worship a white viking God that considers white Caucasians His chosen people.