posted ago by newfunturistic ago by newfunturistic +16 / -1

Gettin some info:

There is some information about this topic, but it is not entirely accurate to say that Bill Gates wants to block the sun to curb global warming. Here are some facts and sources that may help you understand the issue better:

Bill Gates is one of the funders of a research project called Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx), which is led by Harvard University scientists12.

The project aims to study the effects of spraying non-toxic calcium carbonate (CaCO 3) dust into the upper atmosphere, which could potentially reflect some of the sun’s rays and cool the planet134.

The project is not trying to block or dim the sun, but rather to modify the solar radiation that reaches Earth’s surface35. This is a form of solar geoengineering, which is a controversial and hypothetical idea to counteract global warming by altering the Earth’s energy balance3.

The project has not yet conducted any outdoor experiments, but plans to do so in June 2023 near Kiruna, Sweden, with a balloon carrying scientific equipment 12 miles (20 km) high13. The experiment will not release any CaCO 3 dust, but will test the balloon’s maneuverability and communication systems13.

The project is not a substitute for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but rather a possible last-ditch effort to slow down the heating of the planet if emissions mitigation and adaptation fail13. The project acknowledges that there are many unknown risks and uncertainties associated with solar geoengineering, such as changes in weather patterns, ozone depletion, and ethical and governance challenges132.

Learn more:

  1. forbes.com
  2. snopes.com
  3. politico.com
  4. newsweek.com
  5. usatoday.com +1 more