posted ago by Michalusmichalus ago by Michalusmichalus +15 / -0

Matt Miller, executive director and president of the Cumberland Economic Development Corp., talked of increasing the surveillance system downtown.

“All the equipment has been purchased,” he said. “(The project) is moving forward.”

Ruth Davis-Rogers, the city’s historic planning and preservation specialist, said work is underway to establish an arts commission that would provide input for projects including murals downtown.

“We need to get other stakeholders,” she said.

This topic never went up for discussion. Who paid for the equipment? All the other money can be traced back to specific grants. We currently have hidden cameras in the red lights. ( the man who installed them told everyone what he was doing)

Here's the article. There's no information about the surveillance system. Almost if the information was just thrown in at the bottom of the article. Nothing but a request for $$$ in the form of stakeholders at the end.
