posted ago by STOPCALIPEDOS ago by STOPCALIPEDOS +16 / -1

disgusting Californication judge dANIELLE dOUGLAS (appointed by dEM jERRY bROWN of course) just protected child molestors who work for state schools (or other governmental agencies). She overturned a bipartisan effort to protect CHILDREN by claiming that government workers could not be sued by these child molestors bc when they win it would be an unlawful gift to them!!!!!!!

A link to her ORDER is at bottom of this post. THIS CANNOT STAND. Imagine sending your kids to mandatory public school, government workers then rape and molest your kids, so instead of vigilante justice you go to the courts, go through years of litigation and are told by a JUDGE that students cannot sue their rapists.

Her profile is here: https://www.cccba.org/member-center/ccc-superior-court/judicial-officers-profiles/honorable-danielle-douglas-department-18/

EMAIL HER & HER STAFF: [email protected]

CALL HER: (925) 608-1118.

PROTEST her: 725 Court Street, Martinez, CA 94553 #WWG1WGA We must send a message to her and her staff that child molestation by the government is even worse than child molestation by randos. #savethechildren


Her judgement is here: https://odyportal.cc-courts.org/Portal/DocumentViewer/Index/E7BE-sRYv3Fd6P9O9Wv-JoT-MspqWFxnlwyXjwWBnhYiKljPdhkU0lnaVKsuGTLvjfR0IGf66Ar1Yo8VZDaKAiYpiceE6UsQq7tgM42ITxk1?caseNum=C22-02613&docType=Public&docName=Order%20After%20Hearing&eventName=Order%20After%20Hearing&docTypeId=3&isVersionId=False&p=0