Why do they really want people to take this shot so bad.
I gave our leaders the benefit of the doubt, but the more we learned about covid, the more we know they lied. What is the true purpose for this? I know we all have our theories here, but I still think mareks disease is the most logical.
ROFL OH SHIT THIS HAS ME FUCKING ROLLIN (on a rollercoaster of emotions)
If more deadly variants of the coronavirus were to arise, lower vaccination rates would make it easier to identify and contain them because unvaccinated people would suffer more severe infections and higher death rates. But that kind of “solution” would come at considerable cost. In effect, the variants would be found and eliminated by letting people get sick, many of whom would die.
Sacrificing chickens was not the solution the poultry industry adopted for Marek’s disease virus. Instead, more potent vaccines were developed. Those newer vaccines provided excellent disease control, and no lethal breakthrough variants of Marek’s have emerged in over 20 years.
What a dumb hoe(authors a male but my statement still stands). No they separate them because all it takes is one infected chicken to kill every single fucking unvaccinated in a pen(is what I always heard). See what I mean though?
There are people out there who fucking HOPE this happens, hope they rot in hell.
I like how they claim in "OVER 20 YEARS". Well thats surprising, they have only known since 2014 exactly what is going on, so thats not alot of time to go back in time and develop a superior vaccine. Even says that first bullet at top.
Marek's disease is characterized by a mononuclear infiltrate within peripheral nerves and other tissues and organs. In the vast majority of cases a diagnosis can be made if the celiac, cranial, intercostal, mesenteric, brachial, sciatic, and greater splanchnic nerves are examined. In diseased birds, these nerves are up to three times their normal diameter.
Lymphomatous lesions, indistinguishable from those of avian leukosis, appear in the gonads, heart, proventriculus, and lungs but are seldom found in the bursa of Fabricius, which in cases of avian leukosis, is the site of most tumor development. Many apparently healthy birds are lifelong carriers and shedders of the virus. The virus is not transmitted in ovo. Marek's disease and avian leukosis (Figs. 14-15 and 14-16) are usually present in the same flock and both diseases also may occur in the same bird. The two diseases were long confused but can be differentiated by clinical and pathologic features (Table 14-6) and by specific viral and antibody tests. Congenital infection does not occur and chicks are protected by maternal antibodies for the first few weeks of life. They then become infected by inhaling virus dust. Epizootics of Marek's disease usually involve adult birds 2 to 5 months old and there is a high mortality rate of about 80%.
You cant go back in time and undo shit, dumbass gen z.
Links this article as proof about using stronger vaccines.... I dont see it anywhere, she counting on her readers to be so stupid they dont actually read it?
Consistent with previous studies, the STL analysis showed that the underlying trend in leukosis condemnation rate has changed over time with rates generally declining after an initial period of increase (Fig. 1). Analysis of the extended linear model further showed that this change over time was statistically significant (χ2 = 23502, df = 145, p < 0.001). Presumably, the introductions of new MD vaccines have had substantial impacts on MD incidence, and so we interpret changes in leukosis condemnation
Its talking about mareks diseased induced leukosis... ive decided this has to be propaganda. This part gets me too.
In the history of human and animal vaccines, there have not been many cases of vaccine-driven evolution. But in every one of them, individuals and populations have always been better off when vaccinated. At every point in the 50-year history of vaccination against Marek’s disease, an individual chicken exposed to the virus was healthier if it was vaccinated. Variants may have reduced the benefit of vaccination, but they never eliminated the benefit. Evolution is no reason to avoid vaccination.
Ive had to reread this part, so getting vaccinated, getting enlarged vessels and tumors is considered healthy to this person? The new vaccines reduce the effect, but it doesnt stop it..... wouldnt even be a problem if they didnt sacrifice long term goals for short term gains in the first place. But you know, got to profit and everything.
I also wanted to mention something else, I was going to make my own thread but meh, ill say it again, I am a terrible op. I just dont care about much lol.
I was googling the relationship between long covid and low phosphorous. The last time I looked into this, was about 1 and 1/2 years ago when I had omicron, and passed out and my blood pressure was hitting something like 100/50, heart rate 32 while the emts had me hooked up. It was brutal, thought I was gonna kick the bucket for sure.
mid 40's is where my heart usually sits when im sleeping. 60 when resting
We conducted a single-center hospital-based study and consecutively recruited 122 suspected and 104 confirmed patients with COVID-19 during January 24 to April 25, 2020. Clinical risk factors of COVID-19 were identified. The discriminative power of low calcium and phosphorus regarding the disease severity was evaluated. Low calcium and low phosphorus are more prevalent in severe or critical COVID-19 patients than moderate COVID-19 patients (odds ratio [OR], 15.07; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.59–143.18 for calcium; OR, 6.90; 95% CI, 2.43–19.64 for phosphorus). The specificity in detecting the severe or critical patients among COVID-19 patients reached 98.5% (95% CI, 92.0%–99.7%) and 84.8% (95% CI, 74.3%–91.6%) by low calcium and low phosphorus, respectively, albeit with suboptimal sensitivity. Calcium and phosphorus combined with lymphocyte count could obtain the best discriminative performance for the severe COVID-19 patients (area under the curve [AUC] = 0.80), and combined with oxygenation index was promising (AUC = 0.71).
So, is the breathing problems causing low phosphorous, or is the low phosphorous causing the breathing problems?(worth mentioning that viral infections deplete phosphorous, as its crucial for most body functions)
However, it needs to be more elucidated by further studies whether hypophosphatemia in severe COVID-19 is directly related to COVID-19 or is just a complication of severe illness.
For me I could breathe during the day, but at 3 at night when your levels dip to their lowest, I thought I had fucking Chronic Obstruction Pulmonary Disorder from smoking weed, I didnt know what was going on. It wasnt until months later I demanded a kidney test and the phosphorous levels were actually .37mmol/l if I remember right this time.
In adults, the normal range is between 2.5 and 4.5 mg/dL (milligrams per deciliter). That equals roughly 0.8 – 1.45 mmol/L (millimoles per liter).
Once I discovered that and started drinking pop again and using phosphorous supplements I was able to slowly work it up to .80 after a year. Doctor tells me this is normal, so I stopped drinking pop and I cant take the supplements anymore because they are bound with sodium and taking one will give me cotton mouth for days, literally. You arent meant to take them forever, your supposed to fix the problem first, but these people here in canada are criminals and quacks.
Results: We found that more than 85% of the COVID-19 infected patients presented a severe condition during the infection. In our sample, the mortality rate over 11-month follow was relatively low (8.4%) when compared to worldwide (approximately 36%). Long COVID was highly prevalent in COVID-19 survivors representing more than 80% of all cases. Phosphate and IL-10 were higher in the long COVID group, but only phosphate higher than 5.35 mg/dL appears to present an increased prevalence of long COVID, dyspnea, and fatigue.
You are proably thinking, if covid causes low phosphorous and is noted in most icu admissions, then why do people have high phosphorous from long covid?
Symptoms observed in severe COVID-19 also fit well with those seen in classical hypophosphatemia and hypomagnesemia, such as thrombocytopenia, coagulopathy, dysfunction of liver and kidneys, neurologic disturbances, immunodeficiency, failure of heart and lungs, delayed weaning from a respirator, cardiac arrhythmia, seizures, and, finally, multiorgan failure. Deficiencies of phosphate and Mg can be amplified by kidney problems commonly observed in patients with COVID-19 resulting in their wastage into urine. Available data show that phosphate and Mg are deficient in COVID-19, with phosphate showing a remarkable correlation with its severity. In one experiment, patients with COVID-19 were supplemented with a cocktail of vitamin D3, Mg, and vitamin B12, with very encouraging results. We, thus, argue that patients with COVID-19 should be monitored and treated for phosphate and Mg deficiencies, ideally already in the early phases of infection. Supplementation of phosphate and Mg combined with vitamin D could also be implemented as a preventative strategy in populations at risk.
So, maybe im understanding this wrong, please feel free to share your thoughts as well.
Covid depletes phosphorous, so if your already low, you might die. People, like alcoholics, or people with something like crohn's, these people are walking around with not much phosphorous in them. For me i believe its the aki, the acute kidney injury I received during my lovely time at arca being poisoned with refrigerant. It seems this one specific part of my kidneys are busted, all other function is perfectly normal. If it was long covid, my calcium and magnesium should be out of whack, its perfectly normal. The only thing that is off for me is the phosphorous and the uric acid, which is handled by the same region in the kidney.
And once that happens, the phosphorous, the calcium, and the manganese dropping, this is what causes the organ damage is my best guess. Im no doctor.
But here is what gets me. They have known this since at least 2021, if not 2020. But whats the standard protocol?
Stick them on a ventilator, and give them something like Remdesivir, which will destroy your kidneys if you have any kind of kidney impairment because it cant metabolize it properly.
Remdesivir is not recommended for use in patients with an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) less than 30 mL/min1. 73 m2 owing to the presence of excipients3 that may accumulate in kidney dysfunction and worsen kidney or hepatic outcomes.
How many people were just straight up murdered by dr. fauci? Wasnt he the one who recommended this procedure?
I feel like some of this information, like this part.
Available data show that phosphate and Mg are deficient in COVID-19, with phosphate showing a remarkable correlation with its severity. In one experiment, patients with COVID-19 were supplemented with a cocktail of vitamin D3, Mg, and vitamin B12, with very encouraging results. We, thus, argue that patients with COVID-19 should be monitored and treated for phosphate and Mg deficiencies, ideally already in the early phases of infection. Supplementation of phosphate and Mg combined with vitamin D could also be implemented as a preventative strategy in populations at risk.
Why do they really want people to take this shot so bad.
I gave our leaders the benefit of the doubt, but the more we learned about covid, the more we know they lied. What is the true purpose for this? I know we all have our theories here, but I still think mareks disease is the most logical.
ROFL OH SHIT THIS HAS ME FUCKING ROLLIN (on a rollercoaster of emotions)
What a dumb hoe(authors a male but my statement still stands). No they separate them because all it takes is one infected chicken to kill every single fucking unvaccinated in a pen(is what I always heard). See what I mean though?
There are people out there who fucking HOPE this happens, hope they rot in hell.
I like how they claim in "OVER 20 YEARS". Well thats surprising, they have only known since 2014 exactly what is going on, so thats not alot of time to go back in time and develop a superior vaccine. Even says that first bullet at top.
You cant go back in time and undo shit, dumbass gen z.
Links this article as proof about using stronger vaccines.... I dont see it anywhere, she counting on her readers to be so stupid they dont actually read it?
Its talking about mareks diseased induced leukosis... ive decided this has to be propaganda. This part gets me too.
Ive had to reread this part, so getting vaccinated, getting enlarged vessels and tumors is considered healthy to this person? The new vaccines reduce the effect, but it doesnt stop it..... wouldnt even be a problem if they didnt sacrifice long term goals for short term gains in the first place. But you know, got to profit and everything.
I also wanted to mention something else, I was going to make my own thread but meh, ill say it again, I am a terrible op. I just dont care about much lol.
I was googling the relationship between long covid and low phosphorous. The last time I looked into this, was about 1 and 1/2 years ago when I had omicron, and passed out and my blood pressure was hitting something like 100/50, heart rate 32 while the emts had me hooked up. It was brutal, thought I was gonna kick the bucket for sure.
mid 40's is where my heart usually sits when im sleeping. 60 when resting
I did come across this bit.
So, is the breathing problems causing low phosphorous, or is the low phosphorous causing the breathing problems?(worth mentioning that viral infections deplete phosphorous, as its crucial for most body functions)
For me I could breathe during the day, but at 3 at night when your levels dip to their lowest, I thought I had fucking Chronic Obstruction Pulmonary Disorder from smoking weed, I didnt know what was going on. It wasnt until months later I demanded a kidney test and the phosphorous levels were actually .37mmol/l if I remember right this time.
Once I discovered that and started drinking pop again and using phosphorous supplements I was able to slowly work it up to .80 after a year. Doctor tells me this is normal, so I stopped drinking pop and I cant take the supplements anymore because they are bound with sodium and taking one will give me cotton mouth for days, literally. You arent meant to take them forever, your supposed to fix the problem first, but these people here in canada are criminals and quacks.
Anyway. Come across this as well.
You are proably thinking, if covid causes low phosphorous and is noted in most icu admissions, then why do people have high phosphorous from long covid?
So, maybe im understanding this wrong, please feel free to share your thoughts as well.
Covid depletes phosphorous, so if your already low, you might die. People, like alcoholics, or people with something like crohn's, these people are walking around with not much phosphorous in them. For me i believe its the aki, the acute kidney injury I received during my lovely time at arca being poisoned with refrigerant. It seems this one specific part of my kidneys are busted, all other function is perfectly normal. If it was long covid, my calcium and magnesium should be out of whack, its perfectly normal. The only thing that is off for me is the phosphorous and the uric acid, which is handled by the same region in the kidney.
And once that happens, the phosphorous, the calcium, and the manganese dropping, this is what causes the organ damage is my best guess. Im no doctor.
But here is what gets me. They have known this since at least 2021, if not 2020. But whats the standard protocol?
Stick them on a ventilator, and give them something like Remdesivir, which will destroy your kidneys if you have any kind of kidney impairment because it cant metabolize it properly.
How many people were just straight up murdered by dr. fauci? Wasnt he the one who recommended this procedure?
I feel like some of this information, like this part.
should be pinned in the sidebar somewhere.
There is a special place in hell reserved for people actively censoring truthful information