For those new to the idea that there's a problem with viruses (as distinct from bacteria) when it comes to germ theory, I suggest you take a look at Koch's postulates. First, just read the postulates themselves and see if they make sense.
If it seems correct that satisfying these four postulates would be the necessary baseline demonstration of existence for "an infectious virus that causes a disease", then understand that no virus has ever, in 140 years, been shown to satisfy these simple requirements.
Then you can skim the rest of the Wiki page to see how they wave their hands around to distract you and give you every lame excuse in the book.
To hammer this point home, if no one felt it necessary that Koch's postulates be satisfied, then things like cooties and stab wounds could properly be classified as infectious diseases which could be diagnosed using a coin flip for testing. This is hidden from you in all the hand waving.
Haha, seriously! I'm surprised they even wrote them down, instead of just skipping straight to the part where they get to tell you, "But it's all a bunch of horseshit anyway, m'kay?"
For those new to the idea that there's a problem with viruses (as distinct from bacteria) when it comes to germ theory, I suggest you take a look at Koch's postulates. First, just read the postulates themselves and see if they make sense.
If it seems correct that satisfying these four postulates would be the necessary baseline demonstration of existence for "an infectious virus that causes a disease", then understand that no virus has ever, in 140 years, been shown to satisfy these simple requirements.
Then you can skim the rest of the Wiki page to see how they wave their hands around to distract you and give you every lame excuse in the book.
To hammer this point home, if no one felt it necessary that Koch's postulates be satisfied, then things like cooties and stab wounds could properly be classified as infectious diseases which could be diagnosed using a coin flip for testing. This is hidden from you in all the hand waving.
Haha, seriously! I'm surprised they even wrote them down, instead of just skipping straight to the part where they get to tell you, "But it's all a bunch of horseshit anyway, m'kay?"