I appreciate your info on this. I had no idea Romanian was such a straight forward language. Thats awesome.
I know just a bit of Spanish, French, Chinese and none of them are straight forward. Oui does not sound that way. Nor does pendejo.
In English Dick was a name first. A nickname. Then it became a euphemism for penis. Its that way for all the naughty names I am aware of. You wont find "Dick" in a medical book referring to a penis.
Legal meaning of words as you know and for others who dont. In law words do not mean what you think they do.
I appreciate your info on this. I had no idea Romanian was such a straight forward language. Thats awesome.
I know just a bit of Spanish, French, Chinese and none of them are straight forward. Oui does not sound that way. Nor does pendejo.
In English Dick was a name first. A nickname. Then it became a euphemism for penis. Its that way for all the naughty names I am aware of. You wont find "Dick" in a medical book referring to a penis.
Legal meaning of words as you know and for others who dont. In law words do not mean what you think they do.