posted ago by ZyklonShower ago by ZyklonShower +11 / -5

One thing you’ll notice when conversing with Jews anywhere is they love bringing up fecal matter. There was a redditor saying that Putin should become a word for something unpleasant and his example was “just took a Putin shit, it leaked everywhere and filled the toilet bowl and the smell filled my apartment. It was such a Putin smell. The toilet wouldn’t flush how Putin of it’. Checked his account and sure enough… Jew. Lol.

Then there’s the Talmud which has Jesus boiling in shit and a demon that’s worshipped by offering it shit.

Then there’s the fact Israeli soldiers are known for shitting in the kitchens of Palestinians when raiding their homes.

Is it because flushing the toilet uses water which costs money and thus the Jew leaves its toilet unflushed and, by extension, feels at home and comforted by the smell of feces because the feces reminds them of their house or whatever?

There’s gotta be something behind it. Even fucking blacks know how to flush a toilet and street shitting pajeets have designated shitting streets and don’t actually have an obsession with their feces like Jews do.