But, you do not have the right to abuse and threaten other users here. You also do not have the right to incite violence. Whether that be upon other users here or people at large. You can call people names all you want, even though you shouldn't (You should attack the argument, not the user/person), but you can.
However, telling someone to straight up kill themselves will not be tolerated as that was the original rule when I joined the mods ranks. Attack the argument, not the person. I'm not going to tolerate that shit and you will be temp banned. Other mods can chime in or PM me about it if they agree or disagree.
We are supposed to be a community here who help each other spread and seek truth. The only people I can see doing this type of negativity here are nefarious forces that are against those of us who wish for a better future. If you see comments like these, report them. I'm not talking about name calling... I'm talking about straight up calls to violence and abuse of other users here.
You could have just dmed TallestSkil
I did once a little while ago. He felt justified inviting others to kill themselves since, in a classical liberal sense, it is not illegal to say such things. Since he had already been banned permanently before, and then re-instated after about 2 years per written request of another user, I decided not to ban and to go with his whole classical liberal reasoning, but warned him he will probably eventually be banned again if he keeps it up.
He such a consistent dickwad, i really thought he was a bot.
Based on my interactions with him, which would go quite far in length, I don't think he was a bot because he would, on rare occasions, use an apropos literary quote. He's a autist, I think, that can't quite grasp how others can possible think differently.
He's actually one of the most sophisticated minds I've met on win(This is a new account, I purged my old one). Anything he says he can back up with an army of sources, from state records to books from a few centuries ago.
I once saw him link a Spanish book from the 15th or 16th century that talked about a head Jewish rabbi telling the Spanish Jews to infiltrate Christian society by converting and taking over influential positions.
His ability to back up literally everything he says is remarkable. You'll rarely find someone else who does that here, and as far as I know, I've found no one who does it to the degree that he does. If only he wasn't so depressive and hostile to anyone he disagrees with.