posted ago by MindlessRationality ago by MindlessRationality +5 / -1

We all know they rig the financial systems to control 'citizens' within their countries and we are essentially content (USA included) with saying that we are not allowed to go to 90%+ of the world we were born on unless we have a bunch of bureaucrats determine its allowed and sell out our selves for passports which we need to renew and now are going to likely tied to our social credit so even when you are on vacation you are tracked....

But hey...this about something else. We have been lied to about our time. Like actual time. They didn't just steal our Real Wealth and replace it with fiat....they stole our calendar, our clocks, and our dates and consequently our entire connection with the earth, holidays and our own birthdays....

We have been robbed since birth not just with money....but money and time.....we have so little truth. Our history is a shatter vase.

I just checked my city's historical data and adjusted the necessary number of days to find the true number of days and the true season....looks pretty compelling. I checked the year I was born in with adjusted date that would be relative to today In that year and then looked at the historical weather patterns. They are very very close despite being many weeks of difference what you would expect....unless the year is 364 days