posted ago by ZyklonShower ago by ZyklonShower +15 / -0

Stow Lake, in San Francisco, which was named after William W. Stow, a one-term 19th century California State Assemblyman.

During a debate in the Assembly in 1855, Stow clashed with Jewish storekeepers who opposed his proposal to force all businesses to close on Sundays. “I have no sympathy with the Jews and would it were in my power to enforce a regulation that would eliminate them from not only our county but from the entire state!,” he declared. “I am for a Jew tax that is so high that [Jews] would not be able to operate any more shops. They are a class of people here only to make money and who leave the country as soon as they make money.”

Based lake. Shame it’ll be named something like Rabbi Goldberg lake though.