What do you personally think about what is described within? Bullshit? Some truth? Which of these sects would you believe to be most influential and powerful in the overal category of NWO?
As far as the contents go, it doesn't really seem to point a finger at any one group. I am of the opinion that there is one allegiance at the top echloen on the power structure and that is allegiance to satan, whether it be "Jews", "Freemasons", "Jesuits", "Nazis", "Christians", or any other group. I'm of the opinion they have all been (or were) infiltrated by evil and play(ed) their own individual roles. That's not to say everyone within these groups are evil by any means, just those at the top in prominent positions may be. Regardless, the common denominator is Satan/evil and those with such an allegiance put that allegiance ahead of any other group they may claim allegiance.
That said, I'd put money on the Jews (Canaanites) if I were a betting man.
What do you personally think about what is described within? Bullshit? Some truth? Which of these sects would you believe to be most influential and powerful in the overal category of NWO?
As far as the contents go, it doesn't really seem to point a finger at any one group. I am of the opinion that there is one allegiance at the top echloen on the power structure and that is allegiance to satan, whether it be "Jews", "Freemasons", "Jesuits", "Nazis", "Christians", or any other group. I'm of the opinion they have all been (or were) infiltrated by evil and play(ed) their own individual roles. That's not to say everyone within these groups are evil by any means, just those at the top in prominent positions may be. Regardless, the common denominator is Satan/evil and those with such an allegiance put that allegiance ahead of any other group they may claim allegiance.
That said, I'd put money on the Jews (Canaanites) if I were a betting man.