Abraham was told by God to sacrifice his child for His sake. He really did it and almost did it...only for God to deliver a goat to him and tell him to sacrifice that instead.
The moral of the story is, if God tells YOU to do it, you MUST do it no matter how insane and illogical it is to prove your faith to Him.
This is literally something told and taught by the Talmud, rebranded as "the Bible".
If we normalized THIS (and sure we did!), do not be surprised that someone coming out with at least 1 interchangeable gender will be as common as wearing clothes by the end of this century. Things are never going to get better. They only get WORSE, especially without any active resistance.
Nah, same thing.
The New Testament is the actual subversion plan to make the gamut look platable to the Western Man. The end result is billions dead in 10 centuries to rat plague and starvation because of Vatican Dogma.
good thing im not a catholic