Everyone should be trying to boycott as many corporations as possible.
They all hate you. They are all controlled by mostly jews who hate you gentiles more than you hate them.
What do corporations do? Lock you down, make you put on masks, try to force you to get poison jew jabs, get "essential business" status while your small business is shut down, market BLM and ANTIFA and LGBTQ and shove it down your throat. They support pedophiles and the stock market is rigged and they steal your money and jews manufacture the crash and run-up in the markets and control enough capital (fiat jew money) to move the market themselves. Anyone shopping at corporations or investing in them is a chump.
"they want you dead and they think its funny" .
when will people finally realize this?
answer.. never
Utah is not the Midwest 🤣
great thread: https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/428549126
Everyone should be trying to boycott as many corporations as possible.
They all hate you. They are all controlled by mostly jews who hate you gentiles more than you hate them.
What do corporations do? Lock you down, make you put on masks, try to force you to get poison jew jabs, get "essential business" status while your small business is shut down, market BLM and ANTIFA and LGBTQ and shove it down your throat. They support pedophiles and the stock market is rigged and they steal your money and jews manufacture the crash and run-up in the markets and control enough capital (fiat jew money) to move the market themselves. Anyone shopping at corporations or investing in them is a chump.