I based almost everything that I said off of Robert Sepehr. Robert Sepehr believes that Negroids and Mongoloids are post-flood hybrids. Scientifically and historically this makes sense. He has tons of videos on inter-species hybridization and how it works. The video in my post above goes over the historical evidence. Since 2010 with the completion of the human genome project we are now able to see that Cro-Magnon is the root race of humanity. Denisovan's were only discovered in 2015 (just a pinky and a tooth), but hopefully more bones are discovered and sequenced soon. Homo erectus has never been sequenced, but Negroids have that 19% ghost DNA which is most likely homo erectus. With genetic sequencing though from the past 20 years we have already known that Negroids are very genetically distant to Caucasoids. They are as different from us as lions and tigers are to each other. Most of Sepehr's main stuff on human origins and migrations is basically all compatible with the Bible and Catholic teaching though. I don't know if he fully realizes this. It's a shame that he worships Satan and follows the Kabbalah for his religion. Anyways, the Bible says the date of Noah's Flood was 2,400 BC, but Robert Sepehr seems to push it back to around 3,500 to be more in line with the Sumerian timeline. You should check out David Rohl's work Pharaoh's & Kings for New Chronology on Egyptology. He makes it more in line with the Bible. Steven M. Collins discusses it in his Christian Identity books.
Robert Sepehr bases his dating of Cro-Magnon on carbon dating, Plato's Atlantis timeline, and other Theosophical writings. I think Theosophy is an end times deception (like the rest of Robert Sepehr's jewish satanic religion), so I don't really give any weight to any of it. Blavatsky also openly stated that she did automatic writing and channeled a spirit when she wrote her first book Isis Unveiled. Blavatsky originally thought that the Atlanteans were a million years old. Sepehr also believes in multiple floods, 9,500 BC which is the date given by Plato for the collapse of most of Atlantis, and then ~3,500 BC which destroyed the rest of Atlantis. For both of these floods he just goes off of the World Ice Theory which was developed by the Annenerbe.
You should check out these interesting videos below. The Catholic God is much more powerful than the "gods" worshipped in other religions. The Catholic God is also much more powerful than the "gods" that Robert Sepehr worships. He said in one of his videos back in 2016 (the one on temple prostitution I think) that he didn't know a lot about Fatima. It was one of the only times I have ever heard him say that he didn't know something. If you are very curious I can find the Sepehr video for you where he says that.
What you said about the Celts is interesting. My blonde hair has gotten darker as I have aged. It was like a Nordic blond when I was younger but in college it started getting darker. I try to do a lot of health things to keep it as blonde as possible lol. I know one guy that is 25% Korean (and 75% White) and he had blonde hair until he was 5 and then as he got older it became very dark brown almost black. I've heard that there are newborns that are sometimes born with blue eyes as well but then they turn dark brown eventually.
If you are referring to the red headed giants in North America those are just people with nephilim genes who were brought to the new world by the Phoenicians during the Bronze Age. I have a post here and here where I elaborate on this.
The red heads who married "asians" (Han Dynasty/Mongoloids) are Tocharians and Tartarians (who were Scythians). That is why there are certain "asians" today with red hair. Robert Sepehr talks about that in his videos on Genghis Khan.
After you watch the two videos I linked above (Amazing Evidence For God & The Third Secret of Fatima) you might find this article interesting.
I based almost everything that I said off of Robert Sepehr. Robert Sepehr believes that Negroids and Mongoloids are post-flood hybrids. Scientifically and historically this makes sense. He has tons of videos on inter-species hybridization and how it works. The video in my post above goes over the historical evidence. Since 2010 with the completion of the human genome project we are now able to see that Cro-Magnon is the root race of humanity. Denisovan's were only discovered in 2015 (just a pinky and a tooth), but hopefully more bones are discovered and sequenced soon. Homo erectus has never been sequenced, but Negroids have that 19% ghost DNA which is most likely homo erectus. With genetic sequencing though from the past 20 years we have already known that Negroids are very genetically distant to Caucasoids. They are as different from us as lions and tigers are to each other. Most of Sepehr's main stuff on human origins and migrations is basically all compatible with the Bible and Catholic teaching though. I don't know if he fully realizes this. It's a shame that he worships Satan and follows the Kabbalah for his religion. Anyways, the Bible says the date of Noah's Flood was 2,400 BC, but Robert Sepehr seems to push it back to around 3,500 to be more in line with the Sumerian timeline. You should check out David Rohl's work Pharaoh's & Kings for New Chronology on Egyptology. He makes it more in line with the Bible. Steven M. Collins discusses it in his Christian Identity books.
Robert Sepehr bases his dating of Cro-Magnon on carbon dating, Plato's Atlantis timeline, and other Theosophical writings. I think Theosophy is an end times deception (like the rest of Robert Sepehr's jewish satanic religion), so I don't really give any weight to any of it. Blavatsky also openly stated that she did automatic writing and channeled a spirit when she wrote her first book Isis Unveiled. Blavatsky originally thought that the Atlanteans were a million years old. Sepehr also believes in multiple floods, 9,500 BC which is the date given by Plato for the collapse of most of Atlantis, and then ~3,500 BC which destroyed the rest of Atlantis. For both of these floods he just goes off of the World Ice Theory which was developed by the Annenerbe.
You should check out these interesting videos below. The Catholic God is much more powerful than the "gods" worshipped in other religions. The Catholic God is also much more powerful than the "gods" that Robert Sepehr worships. He said in one of his videos back in 2016 (the one on temple prostitution I think) that he didn't know a lot about Fatima. It was one of the only times I have ever heard him say that he didn't know something. If you are very curious I can find the Sepehr video for you where he says that.
Amazing Evidence For God (2015)
The Third Secret of Fatima (2013)
What you said about the Celts is interesting. My blonde hair has gotten darker as I have aged. It was like a Nordic blond when I was younger but in college it started getting darker. I try to do a lot of health things to keep it as blonde as possible lol. I know one guy that is 25% Korean (and 75% White) and he had blonde hair until he was 5 and then as he got older it became very dark brown almost black. I've heard that there are newborns that are sometimes born with blue eyes as well but then they turn dark brown eventually.
If you are referring to the red headed giants in North America those are just people with nephilim genes who were brought to the new world by the Phoenicians during the Bronze Age. I have a post here and here where I elaborate on this.
The red heads who married "asians" (Han Dynasty/Mongoloids) are Tocharians and Tartarians (who were Scythians). That is why there are certain "asians" today with red hair. Robert Sepehr talks about that in his videos on Genghis Khan.
After you watch the two videos I linked above (Amazing Evidence For God & The Third Secret of Fatima) you might find this article interesting.
Do Animals go to Heaven?