There’s a few things I’ve read or heard from podcasts specifically about the South American view:
Atlanteans: after the sinking of Atlantis, survivors spread far and wide to plant the seeds of civilization. It’s not just South American tribes who encountered robed white men, but even some Pacifica cultures share something similar.
A sea-faring branch of the ancient Egyptians.
A literal god incarnated in human form: Quetzalcoatl.
There is more credence to the first point. White-skin (which doesn’t dismiss the Egyptians I’ll add), red hair, and tall. Sounds like ancient Scottish, Irish, or Norse. Now, Adding to the historicity of Atlantis, it could have very well been Doggerland (the once-exposed section of land surrounding Britain, northern France, and reaching close to Norway). Once the waters started rising and the land “sank,” the population living in the affected area would have split up, settled on whatever land they chose, and started forming their own cultures, but it’s not a stretch that an already sea-worthy group of people would venture beyond the horizon.
Wether or not Atlantis was Doggerland or in the middle of the ocean, the tall, white, and red-haired folk (who east-coast Native American tribes speak of) who started showing up in the new world (all around the same time according to the various legends from many different tribes) would lead one to wonder why all of the sudden did so many of these tall white strangers find the need to share their information at one particular time.
There’s a few things I’ve read or heard from podcasts specifically about the South American view:
Atlanteans: after the sinking of Atlantis, survivors spread far and wide to plant the seeds of civilization. It’s not just South American tribes who encountered robed white men, but even some Pacifica cultures share something similar.
A sea-faring branch of the ancient Egyptians.
A literal god incarnated in human form: Quetzalcoatl.
There is more credence to the first point. White-skin (which doesn’t dismiss the Egyptians I’ll add), red hair, and tall. Sounds like ancient Scottish, Irish, or Norse. Now, Adding to the historicity of Atlantis, it could have very well been Doggerland (the once-exposed section of land surrounding Britain, northern France, and reaching close to Norway). Once the waters started rising and the land “sank,” the population living in the affected area would have split up, settled on whatever land they chose, and started forming their own cultures, but it’s not a stretch that an already sea-worthy group of people would venture beyond the horizon.
Wether or not Atlantis was Doggerland or in the middle of the ocean, the tall, white, and red-haired folk (who east-coast Native American tribes speak of) who started showing up in the new world (all around the same time according to the various legends from many different tribes) would lead one to wonder why all of the sudden did so many of these tall white strangers find the need to share their information at one particular time.