They hate Henry Ford for his writings and know he would disapprove of this.
It's why usury was one of the most detestable sins in early Christianity, they knew what happened when a small number of banksters concentrated all the wealth by theft (Babylonian financial alchemy), not to mention the dark arts of being the aggressor while playing the victim (so people are afraid to call them out and allow them to continue the thievery).
“If a thief steals ten gulden he must hang; if he robs people on the highway, his head is gone. But a jew, when he steals ten tons of gold through his usury, is dearer than God Himself.”
I wonder if something is lost in translation of the word "usury" in the Bible. Is it simply lending money or does it refer to excess profiteering.
Why did Jesus hate moneychangers so much? Because they made easy money by simply exchanging Roman coins for shekels.
“when we make a sale or buy from our neighbor, you shall not wrong one another.” (Leviticus 25:14). How often do we hear about making fair transactions? Almost never, it's almost anti-American not to extract the most profit from a transaction.
Usury in the bible means charging any interest. They were supposed to lend without interest and forgive the loan after 7 years. Nowadays usury means charging high interest.
The Webster 1828 dictionary was originally created to define every word in the bible. His original dictionary has biblical definitions.
U'SURY, noun s as z. [Latin usura, from utor, to use.]
Formerly, interest; or a premium paid or stipulated to be paid for the use of money.
They hate Henry Ford for his writings and know he would disapprove of this.
It's why usury was one of the most detestable sins in early Christianity, they knew what happened when a small number of banksters concentrated all the wealth by theft (Babylonian financial alchemy), not to mention the dark arts of being the aggressor while playing the victim (so people are afraid to call them out and allow them to continue the thievery).
“If a thief steals ten gulden he must hang; if he robs people on the highway, his head is gone. But a jew, when he steals ten tons of gold through his usury, is dearer than God Himself.”
– Martin Luther, “On the Jews and Their Lies.”
I wonder if something is lost in translation of the word "usury" in the Bible. Is it simply lending money or does it refer to excess profiteering.
Why did Jesus hate moneychangers so much? Because they made easy money by simply exchanging Roman coins for shekels.
“when we make a sale or buy from our neighbor, you shall not wrong one another.” (Leviticus 25:14). How often do we hear about making fair transactions? Almost never, it's almost anti-American not to extract the most profit from a transaction.
Usury in the bible means charging any interest. They were supposed to lend without interest and forgive the loan after 7 years. Nowadays usury means charging high interest.
The Webster 1828 dictionary was originally created to define every word in the bible. His original dictionary has biblical definitions.
U'SURY, noun s as z. [Latin usura, from utor, to use.]
The word "usury" was translated from the Hebrew word "nesek"--bite of a snake.