posted ago by ZyklonShower ago by ZyklonShower +16 / -10

Our race can drink milk, we don’t have sickle cell anemia, we only get diabetes if we’re fat scum, we have don’t fibromyalgia, we have less left handed people and we get vitamin d easier than the inferior races do.

The only Aryans who get sick are either fat slobs or take vaccines whereas among lesser races it’s common to be very sickly. This is especially the case with Jews whose obsession with shit is probably due to their high amount of gastrointestinal defects. This is because they are less human than Aryans are.

We are pure human and humans are created in the image of God. In contrast, inferior races have dna from archaic non human creatures such as in apefrica where interbreeding with monkeys was common, or Jews who are Neanderthal or Ukrainian Crimean freaks who have denisovian filth in their family tree.

Whites are not interbred with anyone. This is why we are truly God’s chosen people not the Jews who claim they are but are in reality Neanderthal demons from hell Oy VEY!!!