I'm not going into the "Light" if I see it after death, under no circumstances, no matter what anyone tells me or how I feel. I won't be convinced to return to earth, no matter what they tell me, it's non-negotiable, that's if I get a choice on whether I reincarnate or not. If I do, then this will be my last incarnation in this rock, ever. I'm not coming back here for anyone or any reason.
One exists within specere (observable aka perceivable)...others tempt one to hold onto suggested, hence thinking backwards (retrograde). Choosing to let go of "retro" allows one to operate with-"in spective".
in a sense "true"
Does one sense true (want) or false (not want) or does one choose to judge something as true or false? How does perceivable nature communicate if something is true or false? Where does nature suggest what anything "is"?
All (whole) represents knowledge (perceivable)...each one (partial) within represents perceiving choice at the ledge (balance) of knowing.
choose light or darkness
Comprehension (light) or ignorance (dark) of perceivable. Adapting to perceivable grows ones comprehension thereof; while ignoring it for suggested keeps one "in the dark" of perceivable, hence ignorance representing bliss.
a) PER-CENTUM (by the hundred)...putting "100" before "by the hundred" negates itself, hence showcasing ones ignorance to others.
b) nature differentiates itself from whole into each partial UNIT (Latin unitas; unus; one)...others suggest one to count (two; three; four etc.). If one counts other ones, then one ignores self.
Counting represents the foundation of numerology, hence giving the few the power to designate units, to enumerate; to become the accountants; to play others by the numbers etc.
the ability to choose good or evil
Choosing good (wanting suggested) or evil (not wanting suggested) tempts one to ignore perceivable change aka the change (inception towards death) which enables oneself (life).
Choice implies adaptation within the center of balance (momentum of motion). Only within balance can there be choice, and only within motion can there be balance (momentum).
no consequences
If the center (choice) looks at ones surrounding (balance) and sees imbalance, then that represents the consequences of ones response-ability (free will of choice) within a balance based system.
Judging others for their choices tempts one to ignore choosing in response to balance, hence others tempting one to imbalance self, which they deliberately exploit through suggestions.
fate after death
FATE, noun [Latin fatum, fatus, fari, to speak]...the process of dying represents ongoing sound; those living within represent temporary choice to shape suggestible words out of perceivable sound, hence to speak.
John 8:44: "When he lies, he speaks..."
Leviticus 19:11: "You shall not steal; you shall not deal falsely; you shall not lie to one another."...suggestion "steals" from perceivable; consenting to suggested represents the deal of religion (Latin religio; to bind anew); consenting to want or not want suggested tempts one to reason (want vs not want) against others, hence being in conflict among one another.
Death is non-being
a) only within the ongoing process of dying (whole) can there exits temporary living (partials).
b) suggesting what "is" tempts one to ignore that everything perceivable "was" before the suggestion could be shaped within it; in response to it; about it.
c) suggested "non" (nothing) tempts one to ignore perceivable "everything".
the opposite of
"of" implies out of, hence being within...only within balance (need/want) can choice exits in-between opposites. Ignoring need (perceivable) for want (suggested) tempts one into imbalance (want vs not want)...that's where others injected the suggested "nothing".
That's what you said last time.
It was just a joke, friend.
One exists within specere (observable aka perceivable)...others tempt one to hold onto suggested, hence thinking backwards (retrograde). Choosing to let go of "retro" allows one to operate with-"in spective".
Does one sense true (want) or false (not want) or does one choose to judge something as true or false? How does perceivable nature communicate if something is true or false? Where does nature suggest what anything "is"?
All (whole) represents knowledge (perceivable)...each one (partial) within represents perceiving choice at the ledge (balance) of knowing.
Comprehension (light) or ignorance (dark) of perceivable. Adapting to perceivable grows ones comprehension thereof; while ignoring it for suggested keeps one "in the dark" of perceivable, hence ignorance representing bliss.
a) PER-CENTUM (by the hundred)...putting "100" before "by the hundred" negates itself, hence showcasing ones ignorance to others.
b) nature differentiates itself from whole into each partial UNIT (Latin unitas; unus; one)...others suggest one to count (two; three; four etc.). If one counts other ones, then one ignores self.
Counting represents the foundation of numerology, hence giving the few the power to designate units, to enumerate; to become the accountants; to play others by the numbers etc.
Choosing good (wanting suggested) or evil (not wanting suggested) tempts one to ignore perceivable change aka the change (inception towards death) which enables oneself (life).
Choice implies adaptation within the center of balance (momentum of motion). Only within balance can there be choice, and only within motion can there be balance (momentum).
If the center (choice) looks at ones surrounding (balance) and sees imbalance, then that represents the consequences of ones response-ability (free will of choice) within a balance based system.
Judging others for their choices tempts one to ignore choosing in response to balance, hence others tempting one to imbalance self, which they deliberately exploit through suggestions.
FATE, noun [Latin fatum, fatus, fari, to speak]...the process of dying represents ongoing sound; those living within represent temporary choice to shape suggestible words out of perceivable sound, hence to speak.
a) only within the ongoing process of dying (whole) can there exits temporary living (partials).
b) suggesting what "is" tempts one to ignore that everything perceivable "was" before the suggestion could be shaped within it; in response to it; about it.
c) suggested "non" (nothing) tempts one to ignore perceivable "everything".
"of" implies out of, hence being within...only within balance (need/want) can choice exits in-between opposites. Ignoring need (perceivable) for want (suggested) tempts one into imbalance (want vs not want)...that's where others injected the suggested "nothing".