posted ago by LightBringerFlex ago by LightBringerFlex +20 / -4

I know thy works and tribulation and poverty (but thou art rich), and I know the blasphemy of them that say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. - Rev 2:9

  1. Khazars aren’t the Biblical Hebrew Jews. They call themselves the 13th tribe but have no blood relation.

  2. Hebrews are the same race as Palestinians but different religion. They used to worship a false idol god but Moses converted them to monotheism. Moses is one of the most important figures in history for doing this because the confusion caused by polytheism was causing oceans of problems around the world.

  3. Hitler was a Khazar Jew. Most Nazis were Khazar Jews. Zionists (also run by Khazars) made the Nazis. Hitler’s grandpa is Rothschild. Zion puppeteered Hitler. They told him he would rule the world from Germany but this was a lie. They eventually told him the truth. The goal was to destroy Germany because the Germans were becoming too advanced in spirit. Satanists hate advanced people because they can’t be controlled. The other main goal was to eliminate actual Hebrews in concentration camps so Khazars can hijack the race. Then they play the victim role and call anyone who opposes them and antisemite.

  4. The Sanhedrin that had Jesus killed through Romans were basically the same group in older times. Jesus confronted them once saying “I know who your Father is, there is no truth in him”. Jesus was referring to their worship of Lucifer.

  5. The Khazar sect are called Dark Zionists. They are into demon worship and believe they have defeated the goyim spiritually and ruined the nations. This is simply due to the ignorance of the masses who don’t understand positive spirituality which Jesus taught. Bible has many good teachings but Jesus’ part is totally accurate.

  6. Khazars run rituals in the basements of their temples and have secret underground entrances where they do bad things. They work directly with Illuminati figures and black nobility Jesuits.

  7. The Khazar blood goes back to the Turkey and Ukraine region. When they say Turks genocided armneians, they mean Khazars genocided armenians who are a Christian nation.

  8. Khazars have put their nails into American business and politics as of 1913 along with Jesuits. Jesuits are harder to figure out but I know they do have some Khazar bloodline running through them. Jesuits are also devil worshipers posing as Christians. Their lineage goes back to the ancient cults that controlled the world and harvested much wealth. Rothchild is the manager of the wealth which mostly belongs to the Medici family.

  9. Khazarian mafia believe they are the direct servants of Satan on Earth and behind most of the worlds problems.

  10. Khazars seek to enslave goyim without goyim knowing they are enslaved.

  11. Khazars finally admitted that Jesus is real because it’s impossible to deny especially since Capheat found out Jesus rose from the dead. A normal man doesn’t do such things. So they made up some bs that Jesus has an alter ego called Satan and when the messiah returns as Satan, he will kill all the goyim and any survivors will be slaves to the Khazars. Of course this is all ridiculous.

  12. Their favorite book is the Kabbalah. There is a hidden oral version of the Kabbalah with dangerous spells in it. Witchcraft and magic are just advanced science to control the outer world. For example the mRNA vaccine is considered witchcraft.

  13. Dark skinned Hebrews are probably the biggest victim of the Khazars. The white looking so called Jews aren’t Hebrew at all. They are from Turkeymanstan and the Ukraine. Zelensky or Rothschild are good examples.

  14. The Russians told Khazars to switch religions away from Satanism. They pretended to be Jewish but were still Satanists so the Roos people destroyed khazaria and so the Khazars spread.

  15. Zionism is Nimrodism. Nimrod is the old king of Babylon they worship as a God. Santa is based on Nimrod. He looks like Santa.

  16. The Assassins or HashHashins was the original illuminati but then became the Priory of Zion whose standing army was the Knights Templars. They went after solomons mines and made the first central bank with it. The Knights Hospitalers were their medical team that rose in power after Rome destroyed the Templars out of fear of their power growing too quickly on Friday the 13th. Knights Hospitalers became Knights Templar which is today’s Big Pharma Mafia. Knights Templar changed their name to Rosecrusions and later FreeMasons.

  17. The only way to defeat devil cults and evil in this world is by spreading love through many small acts of kindness through thought, word and deed. This is because evil stems from the ego which is like a personality mask and love dismantles the ego. Very evil people become squimish around love and run away. This is why they destroyed the love movement of the 60s using their agent Charles Manson. Once love spreads worldwide as Jesus said to do, then good triumphs over evil and, believe it or not, this triggers the 2nd coming of Christ. The deep state rewrote most of the book of revelations so claim Jesus returns after the NWO to trick people into hoping for the NWO.

  18. One person claimed that Khazars are actually reptilians in disguise but I am still looking into this claim.