In Judaism, whether you are considered Jewish or not is maternal. (i.e. if your mother is Jewish then you are Jewish, the Talmudic explanation for that is all women are considered whores according to rabbis so they can never be sure if a woman cheated, so they think if the mother is Jewish then they at least know for sure the offspring has some Jewish genes)
Anyways, Who is George Lucas mother?
And the Bomberger family is ... Ashkenazi Jewish!!
Jews on will try to deny it, same on various other forums. The reason is I think because they are normies themselves and because they don't want the average American to realize that everything he considered to be American is mostly Jewish.
The Force is ... Sadly Jewish!!
Agreed, he wasted a lot of my time. Lesson learned.
"You're a paid shill" is the last thing a retard says when he has absolutely no discursive room to maneuver. Either come with something substantial or go back to the kids table.
The irony is that you are actually talking to people from a shill farm right now.
Turtlebitch is not real and used AI to respond to you.
He’s the same person/group behind several of the major posting accounts here.
Hate larps, shizo larps, bad faith argumentative tactics.
Defending another shill account from the same shill network.
Either you’re genuinely a fucking moron, or you’re a shill.