They definitely cheated with Alex Jones. They should have had to prove it happened. Like ACTUALLY. DEFINITIVE PROOF THAT CAN NOT BE REFUTED OR DEBUNKED. ONE PHOTO. ANYTHING. It would be pretty fucking easy to shut the conspiracy community up, but they don't want to. Just like Tiffany Dover, the vax death nurse that recently came back to life. All they had to do was have her say she was alive. Now, years later after the fact, she can finally come out and say she's alive. They could have shut us up SO EASILY. But they don't....
The school had apparently been closed for two years before the "event." And why destroy it IMMEDIATELY? The alleged kid bodies weren't even cold yet. And Carver? And Gene mother fuckin Rosen, and "bust out the sharpies!" Just SO MUCH HOKEY BULLSHIT about that whole thing.
The school was not closed two years ahead of the shooting.
Newtown is a big town and has several school districts and schools.
Someone found a photo showing equipment being stored in the classrooms over the summer and spun a retarded narrative about the school being closed down.
There’s literally 100s of ways that people could verify this wasn’t the case.
No attempts at interviewing local residents. No attempts to talk to school contractors and hired services, who could verify the school was in operation (with paperwork, contracts, and testimony).
The hoax angle is not plausible at all. Only a complete imbecile who understands absolutely nothing about operational security would even suggest that.
False flag is the only plausible scenario.
As far as demolishing the school goes. This was used as a catalyst for all the hoax theories, and is what controlled opposition Alex Jones directed his guillable following to.
It was also pushed by a single person, the first selectman.
He convinced the town to demolish the building so that murder tourists wouldn’t come to the site. This wasn’t a hard sell, bc the town is reliant on new families moving to the school district, to keep local building/development profitable. Developers have power here and we’re quick to back that decision for obvious financial reasons.
If there was a false flag, as few people as possible would have been in on it. The first selectman is likely one of them.
Building being demolished is what allowed the HOAX theory, as opposed to a false flag theory, going viral with Alex Jones.
The hoax theory is offensive and has its proponents harassing actual shooting victims. This insulates the real false flag operation by creating a taboo discussion environment where any talk of Sandy Hook is immediately linked to Alex Jones and the fake town angle.
Glowies push the hoax angle knowing the useful idiots will insulate the real conspiracy.
I don't know man, it just doesn't ring true to me. Being a human, I can say with great accuracy that even in my most crazy moments, the last place I would go to kill people would be a school. Don't most people feel the same way?
Seems like a bunk story. The firehouse, "EVERYONE MUST CHECK IN"
I wasn't there and I have no idea what really happened. Don't claim to know. I'm just saying the official story seems unbelievable.
Not that simple, bud. Not even close. You simply can't rule out ANYTHING, it's the fucking government. Factor in as well the fact that other countries such as UK and Australia have pulled clear hoaxes to get guns banned forever. Second Amendment stopped that here, but I think they had VERY high hopes of it enraging everyone and making them want to ban guns here.
If you're intelligent, you question motives, and there are obvious motives for them to lie completely. Now add in Smith-Mundt Act just before it.
All they did was proved he said a thing. They didn't prove the thing he said is a lie. DoJ is irreparably corrupt.
Edit, continuation: it's like convicting someone of murder without even asking if the alleged victim is dead.
They even tried taking his damn cat.
They definitely cheated with Alex Jones. They should have had to prove it happened. Like ACTUALLY. DEFINITIVE PROOF THAT CAN NOT BE REFUTED OR DEBUNKED. ONE PHOTO. ANYTHING. It would be pretty fucking easy to shut the conspiracy community up, but they don't want to. Just like Tiffany Dover, the vax death nurse that recently came back to life. All they had to do was have her say she was alive. Now, years later after the fact, she can finally come out and say she's alive. They could have shut us up SO EASILY. But they don't....
That's most likely all theater.
And by that you mean ALL
Haven't looked much into Sandy but if you got sources I'd appreciate it
Please don't miss the sloppy sniper episode too.
Is this the old Barry Soetoro vid? I think he coined that term for Wheeler. I miss that dude.
As far as I know yes, I seen this video from another anon here a while ago.
I'll let you know when I get home, I can't watch it now.
Yep. It's him. Any idea where he is these days if he's still doing this? That blue screen to start is a good way to know it's him
Oh okay, I'm not sure.
Seems like that is his website.
Great video though.
He did his job and spread disinformation, then dipped.
You know how easy it would be to put those photos in a facial recognition program?
Why has no one who spreads the claim about Wheeler think to do this?
Because it’s disinformation and anyone who does this will realize it’s not the same face.
Remember when the 9/11 debris was shipped off super fast, too. Patterns.
You’re spreading the hoax instead of false flag angle.
Confirming what I already thought about your account.
You are a shill.
The school had apparently been closed for two years before the "event." And why destroy it IMMEDIATELY? The alleged kid bodies weren't even cold yet. And Carver? And Gene mother fuckin Rosen, and "bust out the sharpies!" Just SO MUCH HOKEY BULLSHIT about that whole thing.
That’s a flat out lie.
The school was not closed two years ahead of the shooting.
Newtown is a big town and has several school districts and schools.
Someone found a photo showing equipment being stored in the classrooms over the summer and spun a retarded narrative about the school being closed down.
There’s literally 100s of ways that people could verify this wasn’t the case.
No attempts at interviewing local residents. No attempts to talk to school contractors and hired services, who could verify the school was in operation (with paperwork, contracts, and testimony).
The hoax angle is not plausible at all. Only a complete imbecile who understands absolutely nothing about operational security would even suggest that.
False flag is the only plausible scenario.
As far as demolishing the school goes. This was used as a catalyst for all the hoax theories, and is what controlled opposition Alex Jones directed his guillable following to.
It was also pushed by a single person, the first selectman.
He convinced the town to demolish the building so that murder tourists wouldn’t come to the site. This wasn’t a hard sell, bc the town is reliant on new families moving to the school district, to keep local building/development profitable. Developers have power here and we’re quick to back that decision for obvious financial reasons.
If there was a false flag, as few people as possible would have been in on it. The first selectman is likely one of them.
Building being demolished is what allowed the HOAX theory, as opposed to a false flag theory, going viral with Alex Jones.
The hoax theory is offensive and has its proponents harassing actual shooting victims. This insulates the real false flag operation by creating a taboo discussion environment where any talk of Sandy Hook is immediately linked to Alex Jones and the fake town angle.
Glowies push the hoax angle knowing the useful idiots will insulate the real conspiracy.
I don't know man, it just doesn't ring true to me. Being a human, I can say with great accuracy that even in my most crazy moments, the last place I would go to kill people would be a school. Don't most people feel the same way? Seems like a bunk story. The firehouse, "EVERYONE MUST CHECK IN"
I wasn't there and I have no idea what really happened. Don't claim to know. I'm just saying the official story seems unbelievable.
you can use simple logic to rule out the hoax angle.
If you are unable to do this…it means, quite frankly, that you are not intelligent.
And obviously he wasn’t in his right mind. In a false flag scenario, the shooter is likely chosen carefully and MKultra’d.
They probably screen targets carefully until they find the right person and district.
Not that simple, bud. Not even close. You simply can't rule out ANYTHING, it's the fucking government. Factor in as well the fact that other countries such as UK and Australia have pulled clear hoaxes to get guns banned forever. Second Amendment stopped that here, but I think they had VERY high hopes of it enraging everyone and making them want to ban guns here.
If you're intelligent, you question motives, and there are obvious motives for them to lie completely. Now add in Smith-Mundt Act just before it.